Когда 17-летний Пауль приезжает воевать на Западный фронт в Первую мировую войну, его изначальный энтузиазм пропадает от столкновения с суровой реальностью жизни в окопах.
Behind The Wall documents what life was like on both sides of The Berlin Wall through the eyes of ordinary citizens from East and West Germany. They give an in-depth and overlooked perspective of life before, during and after The Wall fell. Beginning with the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the 'Fall of the Wall' then through the voices of the people, weaves a true history of what life was like living on both sides of The Wall.
Mimmi is a very lonely girl, not knowing what to do with her life. On the search for friends and boyfriends, she wanders around alone in different cities.