Florin Tănase

Рождение : 1944-04-13, Vulcan, Hunedoara, Romania

Смерть : 2003-06-01


Для двух удачливых воров — Эйса Логана и его напарника Скрэтча — профессиональна репутация гораздо важнее денег. Казино «Гранд Роял», оборудованное охранными системами по последнему слову техники — идеальное место, чтобы показать свое «мастерство». Однако удача в этот раз отворачивается от Эйса — в самый последний момент охрана успевает схватить их на месте преступления. Восхищённый ловкостью и прытью двух друзей, владелец казино предлагает им выбор: тюремная роба или форма охранника казино. Кто бы мог предположить, что из бывших грабителей получатся отменные секьюрити? Во время урагана, обрушившегося на город и сметающего все на своем пути, они, рискуя жизнью, пытаются спасти невинных людей и предотвратить самое громкое ограбление казино за всю его историю.
Casa din vis
Căpălău, a peasant in a village near Brăila, tries to keep up with the turns of life. Based on "Ningea în Bărăgan” novel by Fănuș Neagu.
Flori de gheață
A love stoyi between two strangers that meet by chance when they are forced by a snowstorm to take refuge in an isolated house in the mountains.
O vară cu Mara
Toma Iuga
Six carpenters from Maramureș go to a village in Bărăgan to build some stables. These are the head of the family, 4 brothers and their sister, Mara. Her beauty attracts local suitors.
The Extinct Volcano
A young geologist who believes strongly in the existence of a huge copper deposit. He will fight to prove this, while his mentor suffers a serious accident.
Bătălia din umbră
In WWI a group of Romanian soldiers from Transylvania desert the german army and consitute a resistance commando group.
Mireasma ploilor târzii
Paul Vasiliu, a geologist, returns to his native village. Excavating for irrigation works gives him the opportunity to discover some valuable minerals. Now he has to convince the villagers to postpone theirs lifelong dream of having irrigations in their fields to examine if the mineral deposits are economically viable. A common communist propaganda item of those times.
De dragul tău, Anca
Eng. Pricop
A teenager has problems coping in school in family. She doesn't feel she fits anywhere, but there are still some people that give her hope and strength.
Romantic Destinies
On a cement factory construction site, the chief engineer reconnects with his ex wife, time to re-evaluate his life priorities.
The Cruise
The best workers from various factories in the communist system are rewarded a cruise on the Danube. The people in charge fight for bureaucratic reasons while the young ones are looking for adventure.