Edit Ábrahám

Edit Ábrahám


Edit Ábrahám


Psycho 60
Marion Crane
A frame-for-frame remake of the famous Shower Scene of Hitchcock's Psycho with 60 actresses for its 60th anniversary, a different actress in each shot.
Легкое телесное повреждение
После развода бывшие супруги продолжают жить под одной крышей даже после того, как бывшая жена повторно выходит замуж, ведь найти жилье в Будапеште — отнюдь не простая задача.
Wasted Lives
In the first half of the fifties Júlia, the weaver meets engineer Szél on a visit with "educative" purpose, who raises his three children alone in a mighty villa. Júlia is willing to take care of the adolescent children and she moves in to the villa. She falls in love with the man but he is not able to express true, deep feelings.
II. József császár
A Hungarian film about Emperor Joseph II