Sotigui Kouyaté

Sotigui Kouyaté

Рождение : 1936-07-19, Bamako, Mali

Смерть : 2010-04-17


Sotigui Kouyaté was one of the first Malian, Burkinabé actors. He was the father of film director Dani Kouyaté, of the storyteller Hassane Kassi Kouyaté and of the actor Mabô Kouyaté and was a member of the Mandinka ethnic group.


Sotigui Kouyaté


London River
After traveling to London to check on their missing children in the wake of the 2005 terror attacks on the city, two strangers come to discover their respective children had been living together at the time of the attacks
Faro: Goddess of the Waters
Village Chief
Faro is a real goddess of a real tribe (the Bamana) in the West African country of Mali. In a landlocked country like Mali, covered in part by the Sahara Desert, water is a resource that can never be taken for granted. The Bamana village in Faro: Goddess of the Waters not only sits on a riverbank, but also depends for much of its food on fish from the river. Faro is the dominant character in this film, the unseen force for which all action takes place. (c) Ferdy on Films [Marilyn Ferdinand]
Перст любви
Le cireur de chaussures
Потеряв работу, юная и прекрасная Ирис получает должность ассистентки в очень необычной лаборатории. Не отдавая себе отчета в происходящем, она вовлекается в странные отношения со своим боссом, полные эротизма, страсти и мистики…
Фильм, рассказывающий о происхождении Вселенной и жизни на нашей планете: флоры, фауны и человеческой расы. То серьезно, то с шутками, чередуя мудрость с наивностью, африканский колдун и поэт на языке мифов и сказок рассказывает историю вечного Генезиса, героями которого являются животные и люди.
Правда о Чарли
Dealer Prophéte
Чарли — это муж-красавчик Реджины Ламберт, за которым она была замужем всего лишь три месяца. Спустя это время Чарли расстворился в пространстве, а Реджине осталась разбомбленная неизвестными квартира в Париже. Она пытается обратиться в полицию и узнаёт о своём муже такое, что волосы встают дыбом. Очень кстати тут же объявляются странные личности, которые уверены, что она знает, куда Чарли припрятал $6 миллионов. И если бы не странный незнакомец Джошуа Питерс, вечно возникающий ниоткуда в самые ответственные минуты, Реджине пришлось бы плохо. Вот только кто этот Питерс: благородный спаситель, которому не хватает рыцарского плаща, или же очередной проходимец, которому нужны только деньги?..
Грязные прелести
Подпольный мир Лондона. Здесь все продается и покупается. Молодой человек и девушка работают в одном отеле, очаге преступной деятельности. Они практически незнакомы до того момента, пока один из них не делает леденящее душу открытие. Герои не могут сообщить об этом ни коррумпированному боссу, ни полиции. Они будут счастливы, если им удастся остаться в живых...
Sia, the Myth of the Python
Kaya Maghan, the despotic king of Wagadou, follows the instructions of his priest by ordering the religious sacrifice to the Python God of Sia Yatabaree, the virgin daughter of a notable family. A gift of gold equivalent to Sia’s weight is given to her family as compensation for surrendering their daughter for the sacrifice. However, Sia runs away and finds shelter in the home of a mad prophet who has railed against the king. The king orders his top general to locate Sia, but the general is conflicted since Sia was engaged to marry his nephew, Mamadi, who is in battle on behalf of the kingdom. Mamadi returns and joins his uncle to do battle against the Python God. - Wikipedia, accessed 31 July 2021
Little Senegal
Passionné par l'histoire de son peuple, Alloune, un vieux guide du musée africain "La Maison des Esclaves" à Gorée, part en pèlerinage pour retrouver les descendants de ses ancêtres aux Etats-Unis. Cet émouvant voyage va le mener des côtes de Caroline du Sud au quartier de Harlem où vit la communauté africaine, Little Senegal. Alloune, animé par l'idée de réunir sa famille par delà les siècles et les frontières, remonte jusqu'à une lointaine cousine, Ida, qui ignore tout de son passé. Le vieil homme croise également les chemins de son neveu Hassan, chauffeur de taxi clandestin, de sa fiancée Biram, d'Eileen, enceinte et fugueuse, et de Karim, qui cherche à faire un mariage blanc pour obtenir la carte verte. Tous les quatre comprennent mal la quête d'Alloune.
Inspired by the book of Genesis, this film tells the power struggle between two families: a clan of herders led by Jacob and another clan of hunters fronted by his brother Esau. Caught in the crossfire is their cousin, Hamor and his tribe of farmers.
La Plante Humaine
Sotigui Kouyaté, a modern griot
Sotegui Kouyaté
Through testimonies by Peter Brook, Jean-Claude Carriere, Jean-Pierre Guigane, and Sotigui Kouyate himself, SOTIGUI KOUYATE: A MODERN GRIOT dresses the portrait of one of Africa's greatest actor now based in Paris. From Africa to Europe, the film unveils the multiple facets of Sotigui Kouyate, actor, musician and modern griot.
Bad Kid
The struggles of a 28-year-old mother in Lyon who tries to combine her love life and raising her 12-year-old rebel son.
On the Edge
Gas station attendant
A man. A woman. A single night in Paris. Such is the basic framework of this French romance that begins when middle-aged middle-class housewife Clara, happily drives to the airport to meet her husband who was supposed to come in on the evening flight and is devastated to learn that he has remained at his hotel and is having an affair. Clara sees a younger man eating a sandwich and asks him to have a drink. Later, she and he, an amiable baggage handler, spend the evening talking and exploring the nightlife on the outskirts of Paris. There they meet many people from other countries who come to Paris and work as laborers.
Le dur métier de policier
Keita! The Voice of the Griot
Original Music Composer
It is an ordinary afternoon for young Mabo Keïta, at home, in Burkina Faso (West Africa). While his parents are taking a nap, he reads a schoolbook on the front porch when a stranger - an elderly man carrying his own hammock - appears for an unexpected visit. It turns out that the old man is a griot, a West African musician/entertainer whose performances include tribal histories and genealogies. The position of a griot is a time-honored one and passed down from father to son for many generations.
Keita! The Voice of the Griot
Djeliba Kouyaté
It is an ordinary afternoon for young Mabo Keïta, at home, in Burkina Faso (West Africa). While his parents are taking a nap, he reads a schoolbook on the front porch when a stranger - an elderly man carrying his own hammock - appears for an unexpected visit. It turns out that the old man is a griot, a West African musician/entertainer whose performances include tribal histories and genealogies. The position of a griot is a time-honored one and passed down from father to son for many generations.
Names Live Nowhere
A Senegalese storyteller travels to Belgium and observes the lives of African expatriates in Europe. Dreams and struggles great and small are explored.
Lost in Transit
A traveller who has lost his passport in a Paris airport while between flights is restricted to a special transit zone. There he finds a group of similarly lost people hiding out and living from hand-to-mouth, reliant on their ingenuity to survive.
Golem, l'esprit de l'exil
An allegory of the Golem, a Jewish mythical creature personifying displacement and exile, this film tells the story of a woman (similar to the biblical Ruth) and her sisters, who are forced into exile after the death of their husbands. It is set in 1990s Paris, where the director was living in self-imposed exile following the ban on his 1982 documentary in Israel. The recurring theme of the film is migrations and unrooting, like the legendary Golem.
IP5: The Island of Pachyderms
Young graffiti artist Tony (Olivier Martinez) and his friend Jockey (Sekkou Sall) jump-start an unexpected adventure on the streets of Grenoble, France, when they steal a car that's already occupied by an older man (Yves Montand) who's been sleeping in the back. Writer-director Jean-Jacques Beineix's foreign-language drama marks the final feature film for renowned actor Montand, who died in the midst of shooting.
Под покровом небес
Семейная пара американцев — Порт Морсби и его жена Кит путешествуют по просторам Северной Африки. После десяти лет брака каждый из них надеется, что это путешествие возродит их отношения. В Марокко к супругам присоединяется попутчик — Джордж Таннер, он очарован этими людьми, но особенно его привлекает Кит. Через некоторое время Порт, заподозрив жену в измене, прилагает все усилия, чтобы избавиться от Джорджа…
The Mahabharata
Bhishma, Parashurama
One of the great masterpieces of world literature comes to vivid life in an elaborate production from acclaimed theater and film innovator Peter Brook. This collection of ancient Sanskrit stories (composed into the longest book ever written) comprises a series of enlightened fables at the heart of countless beliefs, legends, and teachings; indeed, its very title means "the great story of mankind." Brook and writer Jean-Claude Carriere worked for eight years to develop this epic concerning two sides of a royal family, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, whose struggle leads to a fascinating voyage of emotions, passion and vision of glory. Briefly, the Mahabharata is a tale of two rival sets of brothers, cousins to eachother, each born into royalty and with divinely guided paths in life. The result, however, is a great war, death, destruction - a vast epic.
Mamy Wata
1968: Justin Ohounou is the Minister of the Interior Department. He is involved in scheming with a corrupt business man. His goal is to eliminate by all means his political enemy Christian Adegbe and all of the Adegbe Tribe.
Boulevards d'Afrique
Prospective Bridegroom
A Film by Jean Rouch and Tam-Sir Doueb.
Сошествие в ад
Уже немолодой, лысеющий и сильно пьющий писатель уезжает с молодой и красивой женой на Гаити, где надеется спасти брак и любовь. Но каждый вечер он напивается, а жена скучает одна. В конце концов она отдается молодому человеку, проживающему в том же отеле. Муж, узнав об этом, напивается еще сильнее, но уже в городе. Какой-то негр видел, как он пытался расплатиться, тряся пачкой денег, и напал на него в темном переулке. Защищаясь, писатель убил нападавшего разбитой бутылкой. Это происшествие спасло отношения между супругами. Жена сделала все, чтобы помочь мужу, сожгла окровавленную одежду, продала драгоценности, чтобы откупиться от шантажистов. Ее саму преследовало воспоминание, о котором она никому не рассказывала…
La Princesse Yennega
Yennenga was a legendary princess and a famous warrior, considered to be the mother of the Mossi people of Burkina Faso who lived between the eleventh and fifteenth centuries. The cut-out paper animation is an adaptation of a tale by Bila Kaboré.
Bila, a young peasant, decides to go to Ivory Coast to work and is asked by his parents to accompany Pogbi who is going to meet her fiancé, through an arranged marriage, for the first time. However, Pogbi is in love with Rasmane, a pariah from the smiths' caste, and runs away.
The Courage of Others
An inside look at slavery in the country of Burkina Faso, The Courage Of Others follows the journey of a slave (played by Sotigui Kouyaté) being taken across the African desert by his captors.
Toula, or the Genie of the Water
Original Music Composer
The gods have declared the drought of the country. There seems to be no hope. A holy man summoned by the king requires the sacrifice of a young woman to put an end to their anger. A young man in love decides to go in search of water to save the girl from a tragic end, but when he returns with good news it's too late: the genie had his satisfaction and Toula has already disappeared in the holy swamp.
Toula, or the Genie of the Water
The gods have declared the drought of the country. There seems to be no hope. A holy man summoned by the king requires the sacrifice of a young woman to put an end to their anger. A young man in love decides to go in search of water to save the girl from a tragic end, but when he returns with good news it's too late: the genie had his satisfaction and Toula has already disappeared in the holy swamp.
Women Cars Villas Money
Ali is the image of modern Africa. He happily returns from a football match on his motorbike but a nasty surprise is waiting for him at his parents' home: he finds Haoua, his bride-to-be, waiting for him. The wedding is celebrated shortly afterwards and the two begin living together under the same roof. They are strangers but cannot stand each other. Haoua is the classic traditional woman who has just arrived from the village, God-fearing and faithful to the laws of tradition. Ali's friends advise him to look for a second wife. He meets Henriette, an uninhibited and provocative city girl, the woman of his dreams. To meet Henriette's constant requests, Ali 'borrows' some money from the coffers of commander Soleymane, but he is discovered and ends up in prison. Henriette is furious and leaves him, whilst Haoua cries for him in despair.