Marina Nyström


The Heart's Room
Stella who has no spark of life left, gets an unexpected visit of her grandmother to find it again.
The Heart's Room
Stella who has no spark of life left, gets an unexpected visit of her grandmother to find it again.
King of Atlantis
Samuel is the primary carer for his father - a paranoid schizophrenic. A chance encounter with a young woman disrupts their carefully constructed world and leads Samuel to question the kind of man that he would like to be.
The Uppsala Kidnapping
The dispenser
"The Uppsala Kidnapping" - A black comedy centered on the real events of the kidnapping that became a viral phenomenon with millions of live followers. Inspired by actual events occurred in Uppsala during Christmas 2011. In a desperate attempt to solve his economic problems Josef Esfarander, a medical student, plans to kidnap a law student from a wealthy family, assisted by his girlfriend Shirin and a credulous friend from high school. Josef strongly believes he achieved the perfect plan, but contrary to all his expectation the carrying out of the kidnapping becomes a farce.
On her mission to battle loneliness and bring people closer to each other, 21-year old student Lisa starts a spooning-business through her blog.
Aerobics: A Love Story
Maria is mentally challenged and lives with her overprotective sister Helen. Maria falls in love with a man, Janne. A marvelous and odd story about forbidden love by award winning Director Anders Rune, shot in the suburbs of Stockholm, Sweden.
Репутация мёртвого человека
Торгни Сегерстедт, главный редактор одной из ведущих газет Швеции отправился в свой одиночный Крестовый поход против нацизма и "политики умиротворения" Гитлера, которую вела его страна. В Швеции, зажатой между нацистской Германией и сталинистской Совдепией, элита страны выбрала политику нейтралитета и соглашательства, и лишь немногие осмеливались говорить об окружающем Зле. Среди тех, кто не молчал, никто не был таким громогласным и бескомпромиссным, как Сегерстедт, один из самых известных шведских журналистов 20-го века. В глазах многих его соотечественников, его перо было разящим, чем нацистский меч...