Asami Miura


Miracle classroom
Yanagi Shuji is terrible at being a monk, as he just wants to have fun all the time. His father is the Chief Monk of the Yagira Temple, and Shuji is expected to take over the role eventually.Unfortunately, Shuji is not only not cut out to be a monk, one day, he becomes deep in debt... 10 million yen's worth! In order to repay his loan, he decides to take on the job of teaching literature at a prep school. To be able to earn big bucks, he has to be a charismatic teacher, one that is popular with the students and be in demand all the time. To that end, Shuji decides to put on a bright yellow suit, and help his students learn through comedy and funny jokes.
Keitai Ura Site: Kuchisake-onna
Three journalists are investigating a malicious website, spreading the worst possible gossip about teenagers, a priori without any stories. Following the death of a wildly disfigured girl and former member of the site, the rumor swells and many begin to think that the Onna Kuchisake is responsible for this chaos.
Кровавый бой
Pressman #5
Бывший победитель Гонконгского чемпионата мира по боевым искусствам, переживая потерю титула чемпиона, берет на обучение талантливого молодого бойца, которого на очередном турнире настигает несчастье: его убивает мерзкий, но сильный и крутой Ли, представитель вьетнамской школы борьбы. Спившись вначале от горя, тренер тем не менее находит в себе силы отомстить, поскольку, протрезвев, он стал усиленно готовиться к ответному поединку…