Edgardo Bruna

Edgardo Bruna

Рождение : 1947-02-08, Santiago, Chile

Смерть : 2017-03-19


Edgardo Bruna


A lonesome public pool employee with a monotonous life falls in love with a girl who frequently comes to swim there, he starts to project in his mind an illusory relationship with her and the hope she can change his dark life.
Mayor Concha
A love triangle between a pioneer female writer; her husband -a retired military official-and the love of her life, the painter Moritz Rugendas, with whom she maintains an epistolary relationship for 10 years, with few personal encounters.
Pinochet Boys
In the '80s, Tito, a 17 year old boy, faces a difficult choice: leave school and follow the road to university or front his past and take on a battle against the dictatorship. Motivated by Cecilia, who he secretly loves, and his father, Tito passes from an adolescence without worries to the responsibility of taking justice into his own hand. Integrity mixed with commitment, will crossed by want, fear associated with the pleasure of adrenaline, the reasons behind the violence, are the contradictions of Tito and his friends. In the end, Tito and his opponent Ricardo, a police officer who he knows since childhood, end up facing each other in a terrifying game. The type of game in which nobody wins.
Ты никогда не будешь один
Bruno Saulmann
Главный герой картины, управляющий фабрики манекенов Хуан, впервые в жизни сталкивается с бессмысленной и яростной гомофобией, когда его 18-летнего сына-гея Пабло избивают до полусмерти. Отсутствие свидетелей и дорогие медицинские счета заставляют Хуана покинуть тихую стабильность своей жизни навсегда и оказаться в мире, где существует дискриминация. Но все его усилия сойдут на нет, пока однажды ночью на улицах Сантьяго он не установит свои собственные правила для того, чтобы спасти сына.
El inquisidor
During 1648, a dreaded commissioner of the Holy Inquisition arrives at Santiago. Social, political and religious life is shaken when six respected and married women are accused of committing the sin of fornication.
The Magnetic Tree
A young boy returns to his birth country, Chile, after a long absence. The house in the country where he lived with his family is up for sale and they all gather to bid the place farewell. Their visit to the "magnetic tree", a local curiosity with strange properties, will awaken almost forgotten feelings and affections in the boy.
Grumpy Operator
Находясь в Чили, группа путешественников посещает подземный ночной клуб в тот самый момент, когда начинается мощное землетрясение. Выбравшись на поверхность, они тут же понимают, что кошмар для них только начался.
The Painting Lesson
In Chile, during the 60´s, the son of a poor single teenage girl turns out to be a gifted painter. The man to discover his talent is the owner of the drugstore that lies in the outskirts of the small rural town, next to the railroad. He himself is an amateur painter who will try to make the boy into a great artist, like all the ones in his art books. From the pharmacists point of view in his old age, unfolds the story of this young boy who could have become a great art genius, had he not disappeared at the age of 13, along with all his works, on September 11th 1973, the day of the coupe d´état.
La Tirana
A Chilean aristocrat and a Peruvian labor leader. live a story of forbidden love in the midst of the Saltpeter war.
Federico Wilms
Teresa Wilms Montt is a writer, a rebellious woman, tormented and beautiful. He marries at age 17 challenging family opposition. She falls in love with someone she should not and the family court condemns her to confinement in a convent. Separated from her two daughters, she escapes to Buenos Aires with Vicente Huidobro. From that flight her life becomes an exciting and tragic itinerary.
Черная гвоздика
Hotel Owner
В 1972 г. Харальда Эдельстама назначают на пост Посла Швеции в Чили. Он открыто поддерживает всенародного избранного президента от социал-демократов Сальвадора Алленде и принимает участие в ряде социальных проектов страны. Но в один день изменилось всё. Военные, под руководством Августа Пиночета, смещают Алленде и начинают кровавую охоту за своими политическими оппонентами. Сотни активистов подверглись пыткам, а затем были казнены на государственном стадионе в Сантьяго. Рискуя своей собственной жизнью, Эдельстам принимает решение использовать все возможные свои дипломатические привилегии и предоставляет политическое убежище для активистов, чьей жизни угрожает опасность. Неординарный дипломат играет по-крупному. В это тревожное время Эдельстам начинает любовные отношения с молодой активисткой по имени Консуэло…
El seductor
Amelia Lópes O'Neill
A well-bred young woman who prizes the virtue of fidelity remains faithful to the doctor who deflowers her, even after he marries her invalid sister.
¡Viva el novio!
Roberto Lombardi
After a hectic love life,Pelao Infante has decided to settle down, marrying his girlfriend.But everything collapses when suddenly his ex appear claiming she's expecting a son from him.
Dos mujeres de la ciudad
Valeria has decided to make a study about low-income women as her university thesis. The town priest recommends her as subject a hard-working woman who is said to see the future while dreaming. As Valeria goes deeper in her research, she will increasingly commit herself to the reality of Elena, confronting her with her own accommodated status, while she waits for the return of the man she loves and whose promise was to come and look for her even though she was from far away
A Chilean exile leaves his Swedish partner to return to Chile. There he meets his old love, Consuelo.