Mortuary Keeper
Где-то в космосе на огромном космическом корабле люди уже много лет живут мирно. Но группа людей из отдела безопасности решает устроить мятеж. Пилот Дэйв Райдер — единственный, кто может остановить мятежников и их злой план, согласно которому обитатели корабля будут лишены свободы…
In a post-nuclear world, a happy family of ranchers is beseiged by a roving band of ne'er do well marauders who want to eat the men and mate with the women. Having already killed and eaten an entire mission full of nuns, the family has no choice but to grab their rifles and defend their homestead. Meanwhile, the lonely, nubile daughter begins to have feelings for the buff blond stranger with no family who has wandered onto the property. It's romance, intrigue, action, and violence on the dark continent!