il compratore dei terreni
Il fratello dello sfregiato
Pasquale Rotolo
The leader of a band of mountain bandits defending Naples against the French plays a dual role as a police official. Our romantic hero pivots as well between two women, the sister of a royalist and a lady spy.
L'impressario Massini
Джузеппе Верди, мечтательный и нонконформистский юноша, решает покинуть свой родной город, чтобы заниматься музыкой в Милане. Столкнувшись с первоначальным отказом от избранного круга итальянской оперы, Верди терпит неудачу, пока не встретит популярное сопрано Джузеппину Стреппони, с которой он поженится, и, таким образом, начнёт интенсивную карьеру, полную успехов и неудач.
Filippo Carli
Venice Film Festival 1936
Cainá is a young peasant who lives in a small village in Sardinia together with her goats and parents. She is a wild and free spirit and unconventional for any small and closed communities dominated by old rules. Cainà yearns to escape from such a closed atmosphere and the isolated island, so, as an old tune says: "Somewhere beyond the sea, somewhere, waiting for me…"; When a boat arrives to the island, she will do her best to flee away from her little oppressing village and experience new adventures in the continent with the help of the boat captain.