Anthology based on the original "Terror Toons", featuring evil villains Dr. Carnage and Max Assassin.
Anthology based on the original "Terror Toons", featuring evil villains Dr. Carnage and Max Assassin.
What do you get when you combine an 80's slasher with a haunting ghost story?
A Horror Feature Film about the story of women vampires walking among the living in Los Angeles. The lead Vampire, Sarah Hase, is searching for the most current Vampire Killer, Jeffery Nelson. Sarah, who is also an undercover FBI agent, wants to catch him in the act and have him live in jail for eternity. Another Vampire, Joan Rosen, is also out to get him, but wants to instantly kill him. Who will get to Jeffery Nelson first? Sarah Hase or Joan Rosen?
Associate Producer
Since first donning a tattered fedora and a glove of eviscerating blades in 1984, Robert Englund has become one of our generation's most beloved horror icons. Englund has risen to stand shoulder to shoulder in the pantheon of movie legends alongside such greats as Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee. His portrayal of Freddy Krueger is without doubt a moment as visceral to the horror genre as Chaney's werewolf or Karloff's ground-breaking realisation of Frankenstein's monster. Yet few realise the depths of England's true power as a character actor away from the latex mask and iconic red and green jumper. A classically trained actor and talented director, Englund has starred in many well-received movies in the years since Freddy's cinematic birth as well as directing his own feature film.
Missing Person
Gore, All Hallows Eve pits the most prolific serial killer in history against a group of unsuspecting gorehounds as they venture out on Halloween night to visit the place of gore's most recent killings.
Les Pullen
Группе солдат приказано удерживать мост во время вспышки зомби, но то, что живет под мостом, оказывается еще более смертоносным.
Missing Person
Four friends travel to a supposedly haunted abandoned circus on Halloween to party and encounter a ringmaster setting up a sideshow exhibit who proceeds to tell them three terrifying tales.
When Jacob and his niece Piper are forced to move back to their old home, they slowly uncover the truth that the town has an ancient evil lurking in its Forest.
Nurse East
Fall is torture. Winter is a nightmare. Spring is pure evil. Summer is murder. Sometimes the seasons never change.
Robson Malloy
Inspired by popular crime novels depicting a violent serial killer, a copycat murderer emerges to terrorize the town of Clairmont.
Associate Producer
Bubba Wayne Bundy along with the help of his brother John Edward Bundy are two madman who gets off on kidnapping woman and dressing them up.
In the haunted October of 1977, people are disappearing. An investigation reveals the dark and disturbing truth… a nightmarish cult of witches is responsible. Now, one family has hired a tracker to find their daughters, and take on the unspeakable horror within the coven.
Casino Patron (uncredited)
Скотт и Кейт души не чают в своей дочери Алекс. Особенно они радовались, когда девушку приняли в университет её мечты. Но городской совет на деньги, обещанные родителям на обучение Алекс, решил построить общественный бассейн. Приняв решение быть хорошими родителями любой ценой, парочка поддается на уговоры соседа-игромана устроить в его доме нелегальное казино с рулеткой и кордебалетом.
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Мир на грани катастрофы, а значит пришло время ему вернуться. Неаполь, Мюнхен, Нью-Йорк — его имя знают повсюду. Элитный суперагент, лучший из лучших, даже в Лас-Вегасе игра пойдет по его правилам. Он — Джейсон Борн.
The life of Kim Davis, the young live-in girlfriend of legendary casino owner Ray Easler, is thrown upside down when she falls for Matt Duvall, the man Ray hires to bury his $20 million fortune of silver on the floor of the Nevada desert.
Rough Biker (uncredited)
Пары готовятся к свадьбе в Лас-Вегасе. Они планируют романтический уик-энд, но все идет наперекосяк. Различные злоключения приводят к компрометирующим ситуациям, которые ставят большое событие под угрозу срыва.
Concert Fan
Байопик о скандально известном пианисте и конферансье Владзиу Валентино Либераче. В 50-х годах он часто появлялся в вызывающих и вычурных нарядах, украшенных искусственными бриллиантами, золотом, мехами и блестками. Популярность он обрел благодаря своим пластинкам, а также частому появлению на телевидении и в кино.
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