Original Music Composer
После нашествия на её резервацию загадочного торнадо и гибели отца Дэниель Мунстар приходит в себя связанной на больничной койке. Доктор Рейес сообщает девушке, что она - единственная выжившая, и теперь вместе с четырьмя подростками находится в специализированном учреждении, где их изучают и учат контролировать свои сверхспособности. Вскоре Дэни выясняет, что покинуть огороженную силовым полем территорию невозможно, а ребят начинают преследовать кажущиеся очень реальными кошмары.
Original Music Composer
From beyond the grave, celebrated playwright Antoine d'Anthac gathers together all his friends who have appeared over the years in his play "Eurydice." These actors watch a recording of the work performed by a young acting company, La Compagnie de la Colombe. Do love, life, death and love after death still have any place on a theater stage? It's up to them to decide. And the surprises have only just begun...
Бывший вояка-ветеран Сэйнт устраивается на работу в полицию. Заинтересовавшись делами, связанными с частыми случаями исчезновений людей в округе, он инициирует собственное расследование. Начальство однако резко осуждает чрезмерное любопытство нового сотрудника, и вскоре шеф полиции Бернард настоятельно советует Сэйнту заниматься прямыми обязанностями и не совать нос не в своё дело. Дальнейшие изыскания приводят Сэйнта к форту Гобен — участку леса в 20 милях от города, где некогда располагалась военная база. Её заброшенные строения со временем превратились в место для бандитских сходок и тусовок разнообразного сброда, но форт хранит и куда более мрачные секреты.
Для Жоржа и Маргерит потеря и находка кошелька приоткрывают дверь в романтическое приключение. Изучив документы владелицы, Жорж уже не может просто отнести в полицию найденный им красный бумажник. Да и Маргерит не может просто забрать его, не умерев от любопытства по поводу того, кто же его нашел. Пока они выполняют светский ритуал выражения и принятия благодарностей, в их спокойную жизнь врывается буря.
Original Music Composer
Will and Clayton witness a murder, but out of fear decide not to tell anyone. They and their friend Betsy, whose father has been wrongfully accused of the crime, go on a journey to find the real killer, and at the same time redeem themselves.
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Пропадает без вести сотрудница ФБР, и последней надеждой её коллег становятся Фокс Малдер и Дана Скалли, бывшие специальные агенты, вынужденно, хотя и по разным причинам, оставившие службу. Единственным человеком, дающим следствию хоть какую-то информацию, является престарелый Джозеф Криссман, в прошлом священник, отбывший наказание за совращение малолетних, который уверяет, что картины совершённых преступлений непроизвольно - «по воле Бога» - возникают в его сознании...
Eight thousand feet above sea level, in the sacred heart of Rila mountain, in sweltering heat, and rain, and fog, the only transport being mules, deprived of water, means and fuel, next to the sky, only to God’s eternal eye, a crazy medley cast of seventy plays Shakespeare's greatest tragedy, Hamlet!
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Пять людей, пять сердец с неровной траекторией пульса. Дэна только что уволили из армии. Но несмотря на то, что он находится на грани нервного срыва, его невеста Николь предпочитает этого не замечать и продолжает считает, что все у них хорошо. Гаэль упорно ищет любовь, но ей не везет. Ее брату Тьерри, агенту по недвижимости, нравится его коллега Шарлотта. Кроме того, есть еще Лайонел, жизнь которого состоит из работы и заботы о больном отце.
A mother and her daughter confront the intimidation of teen peer pressure and the emotionally brutalizing social rituals of high school.
A mother/daughter relationship is thrown off balance when the mother discovers that her "good girl" daughter is part of a group who are engaging in sexual activities with multiple partners that results in an outbreak of sexually transmitted diseases.
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Televangelist Bobby Paradise "saw God" in some space debris when he was returning to Earth as an astronaut. Or at least he was convinced he did by his wife, a Cape Canaveral groupie at the time Bobby was with NASA. Now they have built up an extensive TV empire. When their proposal to merge with a somewhat tarnished mogul is investigated by the government, skeletons in the Paradise closet come to light and the family either rallies behind or disparages the enterprise.
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Роковое утро второго октября положило начало 23-дневному кровавому марафону, который держал в оцепенении жителей Вашингтона осенью 2002 года. Снайпер-невидимка выбирает своих случайных жертв, в независимости от возраста, расы или пола. Пятимиллионное население Вашингтона с тревогой ожидает нового дня — каждый может оказаться под прицелом в любом месте, в любое время… После новостей о третьей жертве, убитой на автозаправке, самые страшные кошмары Чарльза Муса, шерифа округа Монтгомери, подтвердились: Америка имеет дело с серийным убийцей, и новая жертва — это только вопрос времени. СМИ со всех сторон призывают горожан не впадать в панику, в то время как поход в супермаркет, в гараж или на детскую площадку может оказаться последними для каждого… Теперь перед шерифом стоит задача не из легких — остановить «адскую рулетку», запущенную злодейской рукой таинственного маньяка.
Critical Assembly is based on two college students (Katherine Heigl and Kerr Smith) who build a nuclear device, which is stolen by a fellow student. When it ends up in the hands of a terrorist, they work with an FBI agent (Beach) in a race against time.
To protect his wife's "secret", a small-town Southern lawyer in the 1960s decides to defend a young man accused of murder, all while running for Congress and encountering personal threats to his family.
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A Cincinnati museum director goes on trial in 1990 for exhibiting sadomasochistic photographs taken by Robert Mapplethorpe.
Во время литературной конференции при загадочных обстоятельствах погибает один из участников, советский диссидент Юрий Маленкович, автор книги, разоблачающей деятельность КГБ. Список подозреваемых в убийстве Маленковича внушителен и включает как тех, кому писатель посвятил свою книгу, так и тех, с кем он успел поссориться за один день пребывания на конференции.
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When Laurel signs up for swimming lessons, she becomes best friends with her teacher Susan - until they realize Laurel’s boyfriend and Susan’s husband are the same man.
A Hong Kong martial artist joins forces with a U.S. marshal in 2020 to stop the release of a virus that halts the aging process.
Люсиль мечтает о карьере телезвезды, но из далекого штата Алабама не видны огни Галактики. Тогда она решается на серьезный шаг: оставляет мужа и дом и отправляется на фабрику грез. Вот только никто не знает, какой ценой Люсиль удалось избавиться от прежней жизни.
А таинственное содержимое шляпной коробки, путешествующей с ней по всей стране, несомненно, заинтересует первого же встречного полицейского.
Original Music Composer
Рассказ о Дине Крафте, который лечил наложением рук. Он открыл у себя этот талант еще в детстве, но пользовался им только в крайних случаях, так как официальная медицина не признавала такой метод лечения.
Jane Seymour stars in this made-for-TV drama as Rebecca Blake, a bookstore employee who lives contently in San Pedro, California with her construction-worker husband Joe (A Martinez). A chance meeting with a woman named Lynn Wyman (Cathy Lee Crosby), coupled with her recent nightmares and searing headaches (one of which has prompted a spectacular collapse at her local grocery store), lead Lynn to the inescapable conclusion that she is an amnesiac--and that she might be Abbie Stewart, who has another family in Fillmore County. Journeying to Abbie's hometown to learn the truth, our heroine is put off somewhat by the curiously mixed reaction of the man who might be her "other" husband, school principal Chase Stewart (Bruce Davison). The key to mystery may not be the surrealistic dreams experienced by Rebecca/Abbie, but instead that painful-looking gash in her head.
A group of scientists are trying to produce the perfect soldier by cloning. The day the clone is born, Marty Stillwater, a mystery novel writer, feels that something strange is going on inside his body and mind. Seven years later, Marty discovers that his double has his same physical appearance but has the personality of a murderer.
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После самоубийства старшего брата родители отправляют трудного подростка Стива Кларка в милый солнечный городок Крэдл-Бэй на перевоспитание. Никаких аварий, передозировок наркотиков, никаких самоубийств. В Крэдл-Бэй тинейджеры занимаются общественно-полезными делами, с юных лет предавая друг друга, зарабатывая тем самым степени отличия и награды. Но кто стоит за идеальной, параноидальной дисциплиной, очень напоминающей режим концлагеря? Объединившись с собратьями по несчастью, юными изгоями Гэвином и Рейчел, одиноко противостоящими навязываемому общественному порядку, Стив бросается в нелегкую борьбу, цена которой — выжить, сохранив свою индивидуальность. Друзьям предстоит пройти немало испытаний, впереди их ждут опасные повороты, неминуемо ведущие к ужасной тайне Крэдл-Бэй.
Даллас, штат Техас. Бомба террориста уничтожает здание. В ходе расследования спецагенты ФБР Фокс Малдер и Дана Скалли сталкиваются с тайным заговором, превосходящим по опасности все, что они до этого встречали. Рискуя собственной жизнью и карьерой, Малдер и Скалли делают все для уничтожения смертельного вируса, способного поразить все живое на Земле и, возможно, имеющего внеземное происхождение. В этой погоне за правдой они выходят на таинственный синдикат, состоящий из могущественных людей, которые не остановятся ни перед чем ради сохранения своих секретов. Люди синдиката преследуют агентов в техасской пещере, штабе ФБР и на секретной базе в Антарктике, хранящей самый главный секрет...
Original Music Composer
Даллас, штат Техас. Бомба террориста уничтожает здание. В ходе расследования спецагенты ФБР Фокс Малдер и Дана Скалли сталкиваются с тайным заговором, превосходящим по опасности все, что они до этого встречали. Рискуя собственной жизнью и карьерой, Малдер и Скалли делают все для уничтожения смертельного вируса, способного поразить все живое на Земле и, возможно, имеющего внеземное происхождение. В этой погоне за правдой они выходят на таинственный синдикат, состоящий из могущественных людей, которые не остановятся ни перед чем ради сохранения своих секретов. Люди синдиката преследуют агентов в техасской пещере, штабе ФБР и на секретной базе в Антарктике, хранящей самый главный секрет...
Original Music Composer
In the year 2008, a married couple is distraught over losing their 8 year old son in a boating accident. However, when the mother suddenly sees another child who looks identical to her dead child, the Mother investigates the fertility clinic who aided her with her pregnancy and discovers that they cloned her child in an experiment dubbed "Baby 2000". She also discovers that they still have the genes to develop another child for them and faces the question of whether the couple wants another identical child.
Convinced that he's entitled to a life of fame and fortune, Korean War vet Jerry Shand (Grant Show) returns home to his fiancee (Lori Loughlin) and pursues a lucrative --if unprincipled -- insurance career. But when he meets the elderly client Vesta (Cicely Tyson), she begins to shed light on the destructive path Jerry has chosen to travel. Peter Bogdanovich directs this film set against the backdrop of racial tensions in the American South.
Erik Eriksen, who has become a successful pianist in New York, is back in Templeton, his Mormon community, where he is still treated distrustfully by its members, including his family, for having 'betrayed' them in not living the life God had planned for him. Only his mother and his younger brother Jens, support him unconditionally. Erik falls in love with Chelnica, a beautiful young woman who plays the piano at the local cinema and a dedicated Mormon. The big trouble is that she is also Jens's fiancée, due to marry him soon...
Original Music Composer
Во время перестрелки с бандой вьетнамских рэкетиров детектив Роуз Экберг и ее напарник Стэш Хорак застрелили сына криминального босса Тони Тэма. Отец убитого поклялся отомстить, и вскоре беременная жена Хорака была зверски убита.
Но полицейское расследование установило, что у Тэма было алиби, а один из коллег по службе, недолюбливающий Роуз, обнаружил, что Экберг и Хорак состоят в любовной связи. Роуз становится главной подозреваемой в убийстве. С трудом избежав ареста и зная, что время работает против нее, она предпринимает собственное расследование и узнает, что стала жертвой вероломного предательства.
Но чтобы очистить себя от подозрений, она должна установить личность и мотивы подлинного убийцы.
Original Music Composer
Военные занимаются расследованием неземной формы жизни. Имеется в виду — странное волосатое, ярко оранжевое существо, которое думает, что котов едят на десерт. Оно обожает педикюр, азартные игры и атласные простыни. Самый тайный проект мира набирает обороты. А тем временем Альф контролирует секретную военную базу и регулярно обыгрывает всех в покер. Его решают уничтожить. Но не тут-то было. Впрочем, прячьте своих котов, потому что Альф возвращается.
Они все очень разные, эти счастливые и несчастные семейные пары, но их объединяет одно желание — чтобы в доме наконец зазвучал детский смех. Но не всем дана такая радость. По-разному ищут герои выход, вступая в спор с врачами, с природой, с собственным возрастом… Но те, кто искренне верит в жизнь и стремится к счастью, — обретают его!.
Original Music Composer
When a state trooper is gunned down on a New Jersey highway, his friend and colleague sets out to track down the killers. Realizing the murder is connected to an extensive underground terrorist ring, he joins forces with the FBI on a massive five-state hunt. Based on a true story.
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A high-school teacher tries to help one of her troubled male students, who misinterprets her interest.
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Despite her parents' misgivings, Brianne (Lea Thompson) marries Clay (James Marshall), and the couple soon have a daughter. It's then that Clay begins to show the first signs that he's unhinged. When he sees Brianne innocently talking to a man, Clay shoots him dead. At first, Brianne believes that her love for her husband can prevail. But when authorities threaten to take away custody of her daughter, she learns a horrible truth about her past.
Original Music Composer
Rick Heller is a juvenile delinquent who keeps getting himself into trouble. To keep him out of trouble his mother puts him to work cleaning the cage of a gorilla named Katie which she is teaching to communicate through the use of sign language. When the owner of the gorilla takes her back to become a flea market freak Rick takes it upon himself to break Katie out and take her on an adventurous journey to get her out of the country.
In this made-for-TV movie, Kay's (Jean Smart) small-town life allows her to manage the challenges of caring for her sick baby. But when a mysterious stranger (Gregory Hines) invades her home and reveals that he knows all too many things about Kay's past, she must work fast to preserve her peace -- even if it means taking matters and the law into her own hands.
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A woman is torn between her love for a gentle man, and her secret passion for his dangerous brother.
Original Music Composer
Штат Небраска, времена покорения Дикого Запада, конец 19-го века. Жена фермера — переселенца, мать четверых детей, узнает, что неизлечимая болезнь оставляет ей лишь несколько недель жизни. В те дни в этой части Америки приходилось шесть мужчин на одну женщину, шансы фермера найти новую мать для своих детей невелики. Его заботливая жена решается нанять стареющую женщину легкого поведения на роль своей заместительницы… Классический любовный треугольник был бы очень неподходящим определением для сложившейся ситуации…
Джеми Харрис — начинающая актриса. По совету своего знакомого Эдди она начинает брать уроки у преподавателя актёрского мастерства Росса Телберта. Между Джеми и Россом завязываются романтические отношения, которые постепенно переходят и в сексуальные. Джеми узнаёт о том, что Росс применял какие-то запрещённые приёмы на своих бывших студентах и был причастен к смерти одной из студенток.
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A drama directed by Sandor Stern.
Kristin (Danica McKellar), daughter of upper middle class parents, can hardly stand the immense pressure to fulfill her mother's (Dee Wallace Stone) dream of success in sports and high school. In this tense situation she gets emotional support by Kenny, who secretly plans to make her pregnant and sell the baby for adoption. Based on a true story.
Сьюзан — медсестра по уходу за новорожденными. Она привязывается к ВИЧ-инфицированному младенцу, девочке, от которой отказалась мать, и решает удочерить ее. Но оказывается, что найти няню, которая согласилась бы ухаживать за таким ребенком, непросто. А тут еще и возвращается мать девочки, инфицированная вирусом СПИДа, она изменила свое решение и хочет забрать дочь.
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История, рассказанная от лица Люси Марсден, вдовы конфедерата. Все воспоминания посвящены её мужу капитану Уильяму Марсдену, который в тринадцатилетнем возрасте ушёл на гражданскую войну. Многое пришлось пережить юному Уилли за годы войны, и тяжёлые ранения, и смерть лучшего друга-сверстника, которого убили прямо на его глазах. Даже спустя многие годы душевные раны капитана Марсдена давали о себе знать. Он так и не смог расстаться со своим прошлым. Он жил войной.. А еще он страсть как любил строгать детишек..
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True story about two friends become involved in murder when the wife of one of them begins cheating on her spouse.
Through a series of elaborate schemes, a wealthy woman arranges for the murder of her husband's mistress and then takes steps so that the crime won't be traced back to her. The detective investigating the murder soon realizes her role in it, and sets out to find a way to pin the murder on her.
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Religious fanatics are barricaded in a building, and surrounded by police. But they're not going to surrender, they prefer to die.
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American television film about the life of Emily Butterfield, a baby girl who was born prematurely and died 53 days after her birth.
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Lou Gosset Jr. is a boss-con. A new prisoner, Blair Underwood, is revealed as his long-lost son. When Underwood is released from jail, the parole board stipulates that Gosset live with him. Gosset gets a job as a car mechanic, and falls in with Rae Dawn Chong. Underwood falls in with his old criminal buddies, who decide to rob the dealership where Chong and Gosset work. Underwood gets cold feet, and the gang turns on him. Gosset stops a bullet meant for his son, who then builds a relationship with the daughter he never knew he had.
A married doctor marries two other women and juggles a life with three wives.
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World War II has ended and many soldiers return to their houses and families. But three of them find themselves with big problems when they arrive at their home village.
Michael Carlin, a teacher, has been having an affair with a much younger fellow teacher Carolyn Warmus. When his wife is murdered, the police suspect him due to inconsistencies in his alibi, and no evidence points to anyone else.
Two college students get a summer job on an offshore oil rig. They are soon approached by a co-worker who had earlier befriended them, and who now tries to draw them into a plot to murder the rig's crew chief.
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In this gritty cops-and-crooks drama, two detectives hunt a gang leader suspected of murdering a New York cop. The detectives enlist the help of the dead cop's partner, who is also the brother of the gangster. There's nothing civil about this war that has two brothers squaring off against each other. The strong cast includes Mario Van Peebles, Ray Sharkey and Peter Boyle.
Based on the true story of an Alabama woman who was convicted of killing her first husband and attempting to poison her daughter. Out on bail, she flees in order to start a new life with two new identities.
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A drama directed by Lou Antonio.
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An American family moves to Mexico to fabricate dolls, but their toy factory happens to be next to a Sanzian grave and the toys come into possession of an old, malicious spirit.
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When '30s film star Thelma Todd dies mysteriously, her relationship with New York mobster Lucky Luciano is investigated.
Story of the model who was assaulted that left her face disfigured. It begins when she comes to New York City and would get work as a model. A guy she met on one of her shoots gets her an apartment in a building he manages. He is constantly hitting on her but she rebuffs him. When he can't take it anymore he sends two men to attack her.
A look at the dangerous and bizarre life of an undercover cop who lives on the edge and the strife and heartbreak that comes with the job. There is also a tremendous amount of guilt and psychological pain when when an undercover sting goes bad and they lose a comrade in the line of duty.
Diane and Greg Halstead were once happily married, even deciding to try and have a baby in later years, despite the fact that she had already suffered two miscarriages. She has no luck in becoming pregnant and this leads to an estrangement from her husband. On his latest flight, Greg, a professional pilot, finds out about a bomb threat. The person carrying the bomb supposedly wants to kill another passenger, a politician with an outspoken opinion on abortion. Unknown to the killer, however, the politician has already left the plane because it had an hour and a half delay. Greg decides to make an emergency landing in Dayton, Ohio, but during the heavy weather, the plane crashes, killing almost everyone on board.
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While Al Capone works his way up from top-dog street gang thug captain in Chicago to U.S. crime king, his brother Jimmy Capone chooses the righteous way, actually with father's blessing, leaving Illinois for small town Harmony in Nebraska, where he adopts the alias Richard Hart, marries teacher Kathleen, has offspring and becomes its incorruptible town marshal, with a loyal Indian deputy. When his efficient fight against Al's illegal alcohol trade starts to bite financially, the gang's top lawyer is sent to buy 'Hart' or order his death, but recognizes Jimmy and arranges a fraternal reunion in Chicago. Yet money nor threats can turn Jimmy bad...
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Рано потеряв родителей, двое братишек вынуждены переехать в Канаду из Шотландии. Они не знают, что ожидает их в новой семье. Строгий и принципиальный дедушка очень суров с малышами, и когда они находят на берегу младенца, то не решаются ему рассказать.
Original Music Composer
The classic comic book characters created by John L. Goldwater are brought to tv in a slightly older version. Here the characters are adults returning to their high school reunion and remembering old times and romances from good old Riverdale High
Original Music Composer
A child psychologist, Hollis who's marriage collapsed after she learned she was barren, bonds with Luke Winfield, who witnessed his father's murder at the hands of rain-slicker wearing killer with a cargo hook. Along the way she befriends Detective Bass as he investigates a series of homicides, each with the same M.O. As Hollis gets closer to Luke she discovers some trouble family secrets ensuring she is next to be slain.
Original Music Composer
A home is divided when a 13 year old Vietnamese girl moves in with a family of an ex-GI who believes that she may be his illegitimate daughter in this fact-based movie.
Cracks are noticed in the ceiling of an aircraft. They widen & a large portion of the fuselage tears off & an emergency landing attempted. Based on actual events.
Katherine Whately, a tough, young Chicago cop, comes home to her small town to settle her teenage rape. She is welcomed by her brother but shunned by her father. Josh, the town doctor, is her only ally in her quest for the truth. Together Katherine and Josh find the bloody trail of a serial murderer and shatter the lie that is two decades old.
When their stingy boss suddenly drops dead, two coworkers decide to split the million in cash in his safe, only to find themselves pursued by the criminal owners of the money.
Original Music Composer
Scott and Sue Grimes are a happily married and affluent young couple who are about to start a family together. Unfortunately, that plan gets turned completely upside-down when Sue dies suddenly and unexpectedly while giving birth to their daughter. Now in the aftermath, Scott not only has to deal with the loss of his wife, he also has the daunting task of raising his daughter all alone.
Original Music Composer
Kathy, a simple grocery clerk, finds her way into her local high society and the life of a wealthy suitor who thinks she's a stockbroker.
Original Music Composer
Капитан полиции Хэмилтон - настоящая профессионалка, пользующаяся у коллег уважением. Поэтому начальство направляет ее вытягивать самый трудный участок, где пышным цветом расцвела коррупция, а двое полицейских были арестованы за грабеж. В первый же день ее работы был застрелен полицейский, причем явно своими. Вскоре следуют угрозы в адрес самой Хэмилтон…
Remake of the 1953 original. Princess Elysa is touring Rome, and decides to get "out and about" away from her normal life. She meets with an American reporter and his photographer, who show her the sites. The reporter is initially more interested in a story than the Princess, but begins to fall for her.
A hobo played by Barnard Hughes decides it's time to go home. Drifting from place to place, Hughes finds himself in his hometown of Salt Lake City at Christmas time. Here he hopes to close old wounds and be reunited with his unforgiving son played by Gerald McRaney, and get to know the grandchildren he has never met. McRaney, still resenting the fact that Hughes ran out on his family 25 years earlier, gives his father only one day with his grandkids; after that, he's expected to leave and never come back. All the while Hughes' friends warn him that his son and the past are memories that are best left alone, and should leave, but he has to find out for himself.
Original Music Composer
Simon Templar returns to New York via Concorde and is feeling restless, until a note from an old flame surfaces. This TV movie was an unsold pilot for an attempted series revival.
17-year-old track star, John Owens, has never used any drug stronger than pot, until he meets an older woman who introduces him to crack cocaine. He quickly becomes addicted but is able to hide his problem from all except his best friend, Chris.
Original Music Composer
Mild-mannered mystery writer D. H. Mercer has become so immersed in his material that his creation, hard-boiled private eye Biff Deegan, constantly appears to him as a hallucination. Intent on getting rid of Biff, and replacing him with a more civilized detective, Mercer soon finds himself in a genuine mystery involving art fraud, murder, and a beautiful lady in peril.
Two retired fishing buddies stumble on an unmarked suitcase filled with three million dollars in cash. Then the fun starts flying as fast as bullets.
Original Music Composer
A veteran New York City Police Lieutenant's investigation of a woman's murder uncovers corruption in high places.
Original Music Composer
Маргарет безрезультатно ищет свою сестру, которая была похищена во время путешествия по Европе, и даже полиция ничем не может помочь. Только дедушка Маргарет знает, что делать — он призвал на помощь знаменитого героя Быстрого Джейка. Девушка была очень удивлена, узнав, что Быстрый Джейк существует на самом деле, но оказалось, что в реальной жизни героям приходится весьма нелегко…
Original Music Composer
When television news director Eric Ross pressures esteemed senior anchor Frank Kenley to sensationalize the news, Kenley isn't pleased -- and the conflict comes to a head when a local high school sex scandal hits the news. As Ross pushes him to play up the story, Kenley wrestles with the moral complexities of the situation and tries to find the balance between the public's need to know and the individual's rights.
A highly respected and revered baseball coach has been accused by a female student of conducting some kind of research that borders on sexual molestation. When her parents decide to report him to the authorities. They are held in contempt, because the community can't believe that this wonderful man could do the things that they are accusing him of.
A New Jersey auto mechanic travels to California to find the girl of his dreams and woos a bikini fashion model while the time quarreling with her high-powered manager and avoiding his New Jersey girlfriend who comes looking for him.
Nora Scoonover is 35, divorced, in debt and going nowhere when her 16 year-old son, Steven, runs away from camp and asks to spend the summer with her. Together they decide that she will enter the Ironman Triathlon competition in Hawaii, although she has not done any running since high school. The experience brings them together.
Original Music Composer
A teenaged drug addict is sent to Dr. Royce's controversial drug intervention program where the addicts in the program confront each other in supervised group meetings. Also, in evening meetings, the addicts are confronted by their families. The girl's parents want to remove her from the program because it upsets them that their daughter is being forced to associate with addicts who admit to stealing and trading sex for drugs.
Original Music Composer
Tenacious young engineer flips over the centerfold model he spots on television and embarks on a romantic adventure on a bet with his buddies.
In a small town, the hippie faction often clashes with the mainstream. To settle their differences, the hippie "freaks" take on the town police "pigs" in a football game. On opposing sides of the fence are Frank, the police sergeant, and his son Neal. Also at odds are Neal and one time friend Doug, a returned Vietnam Vet who has joined the police force, who is also protective of his younger sister who prefers the hippie element. To make things even more intense, Mickey South, who has fled to Canada to avoid the war, returns to play for the Freaks football team. Tensions mount and all are challenged as the climax of the film approaches.
The stylish editor of a fashion magazine and a rumpled sports reporter endeavor to keep their somewhat offbeat romance on a purely platonic level.
Original Music Composer
Counseling helps family deal with the discovery that their child was sexually abused by the closest relative.
A young couple from Milwaukee moves into the fabled, high-society Malibu beach community and becomes involved with the lives of the various people living in the community.
Hard-working career wife Laura becomes the first female executive in an all-male office and is dismayed to find she now has to learn the rules of the corporate game.
Original Music Composer
Jared Teeter has to work in a forced labor camp in Florida to make ends meet. "Angel City" is no place for the faint of heart.
Original Music Composer
Mike Connors is a suave gambler who owns a floating hotel/casino which takes a turn when the passengers are stalked by a saboteur during the casino ship's maiden voyage.
In this pilot film, a friend of Jonathan Hart's is killed in a motor accident just after he has left a health farm, apparently committing suicide. There was no warning of him being troubled so the Harts go undercover to find out what happened at the farm.
Pete, Linc and Julie are called back to the force when a series of sniper attacks are made on their old boss. But the three soon discover that they themselves are the intended targets of a gunman who lives in their old "flower child" world of the 1960s.
Attractive, affluent married couple Mitch and Lindy Garrison sail their yacht to Tahiti to recharge their relationship and add spice to their upper-middle-class lives, but things don't go as planned when they wind up falling overboard.
A stunt car racing team gets involved in a madcap cross-country auto race that is supposed to determine the disposition of a family fortune.
A Hollywood agent finds himself in debt to a powerful bookie. To make a fast buck, he creates a team of exceptionally talented skateboarders and enters them in a downhill race. If they win, they will get $20,000
Original Music Composer
Фильм рассказывает о жизни Тода Любича — мальчика с редкой неизлечимой болезнью иммунной системы (тяжёлый комбинированный иммунодефицит). Любой контакт с окружающей средой для него смертелен и приведёт к немедленной гибели, поэтому мальчик с рождения заключён в герметичный шар. Он живёт с родителями, которые забрали его из больницы. В коконе идёт его жизнь: он там ест, спит, учится, развивается…
Music Director
Originally broadcast by KCET (PBS) on their dramatic showcase series, "Visions," this sweet, quiet film is set during World War I. It is the story of Amy, a proper, but lonely housewife whose husband is away at war. She finds solace in a friendship with a more worldly female photographer, only to have her entire world turned upside down when the friendship becomes genuine love and she is forced to choose. Groundbreaking for its powerful yet non-prurient portrayal of lesbian first love.