Park Chong-won


Paradise Villa
The story opens with a young man playing internet games. Suddenly his face darkens and he begins to pound the keys nervously. His face changes to despair as he reads a message from another user. "Mr. 20-years old, do you have all the items?" The reply is: "I need one more." We next enter the lives of the residents of the Paradise Villa as a mystery unfolds.
Rainbow Trout
A group of city dwellers make a trip of three days and two nights into the isolated countryside to visit a friend in the hills. Their true nature begins to reveal itself: love hidden but never forgotten, primitive desires suppressed in the city, nasty pride that triumphs only over the weak and a strong will for survival that sacrifices even love and friendship.
The Eternal Empire
This film depicts the struggles of the Royal Party and the Old Party to obtain political power. In 1800, The Royal Party insisted that the political power should be centralized to the King, but the other party (The Old Party) insisted that the political power should be centralized to the majority of the ministers. One day, official Jang was ordered by the King to arrange and edit the record of the former King Yeongjo. All of a sudden, Jang dies. Soon it was disclosed that Jang was killed by the Old Party because of their connection with the book. For this incident , the King tried to get rid of key members of the Old Party, but the Old Party resists the King's will. What was in the book? Who was involved? Why? The political intrigue will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Наш замороченный герой
Это рассказ о мечтах, раздорах и дружбе группы мальчиков из сельской школы до начала экономического бума в Корее в конце 50-х и 60-х годов. История начинается с того, что Хан Бён Тхэ, преподаватель института по подготовке к поступлению в колледж, вспоминает свои школьные годы, 30 лет назад. В то время отец Бён Тхэ был переведен в сельскую местность из правительственного офиса в Сеуле. Бён Тхэ начал посещать местную школу, где познакомился с Ум Сук Дэ, вожаком класса и задирой. Поначалу между двумя мальчиками возникает конфликт, но в конце концов Бён Тхэ подчиняется его притеснениям. Новый учитель Ким Чон Вон возглавляет класс и начинает исправлять все ошибки, обучая мальчиков равенству, справедливости, правде, смелости и демократии.