In this follow up to the mondo success "Anaconda", the explorer Rolf Blomberg travels into Brazil's jungle in search of the terrifying Xavante indians. The expedition starts at the harbor town Belém at the end of the Amazon river, and continues inwards from there. In the ghost town Manaus, in the middle of the jungle, we visit the strange opera house (that is depicted in Herzog's Fitzcarraldo). On the river island Bananal in Rio Araguaya we meet the indian tribe Carajá and experience their daily life with bow hunting, fishing and dance rituals. at Rio das Mortes in Mato Grosso we win the friendship of the terrifying Xavante indians. After a visit to Rio de Janeiro the expedition continues to the Atlantic coast and Portaleza whose population of fishermen still use a primitive fishing raft, "jangada", for their long and dangerous hunting journeys at sea.
Научно-популярный фильм об охоте на самую большую змею в мире — анаконду. Захватывающая история о путешествии экспедиции в тропический лес Амазонки, где обитает анаконда. В то же время фильм демонстрирует не только богатую фауну и флору этих мест, но также жизнь индейских племён и их обычаи.