Britta Billsten

Britta Billsten

Рождение : 1927-03-15, Annedal, Gothenburg, Västra Götalands län, Sweden

Смерть : 2015-11-28


Britta Billsten


Två man om en änka
AB Dun & Bolster
A feather-light comedy from 1920's Mölle with Nils Poppe and the Gaubier ballet. The play is about a grey aged bachelor who suddenly becomes every woman's dream prince when a rumor starts to circulate that he used to have a relationship with a famous movie star.
Ta mej! Jag är din!
Calle Pettersson is engaged to the young beauty Marilyn on the false pretense that he saved her life
Fars lille påg
Matilda Jönsson
When Waldemar Palm married an old woman as a young man to give her estranged son a surname he didn't expect his good deed to come back to haunt him. When his in-laws from his second marriage show up on the same day that his adult step-son turns up unannounced he finds himself getting more and more wrapped up in his lies.
Lilla Helgonet
Sten Stensson Stéen går igen
Märta Brolin
The plot takes place on a mansion owned by the new widow Birgitta von Carping (Berit Carlberg). Sten Stensson Steen (Nils Poppe) has rented a room in the manor. He accidentally arrives a month early and the carousel is in full swing.
Mimmi från Möllevången
Isadora von Pankh
Bank manager Pankh has a habit of promoting the men who let him spend some time with their wives. Pelle Finkel doesn't want to subject his own wife to this so he decides to hire the prostitute Mimmi to pose as his wife.
Min syster och jag
Prinessans trotjänarinna / Kund
Librarian Roger Fleuriot is in love with princess Saint Labiche but doesn't dare admit it because of their different classes. The princess feels the same way and invents a twin sister that works in a shoe shop that she pretends to be in order to seduce him.
Frihetens murar
Spastic Woman
An Argentine actor comes to Sweden. He has pictured Sweden as a paradise. From his small rented room, he tries in vain to make contact with the Swedes.
Fantastiska pappa
Hotellvärdinnan m.m.
Two men in love with Henriette Perrichon do their best to convince her father to pick them as her groom in mid 19th century France.
Oskulden från Mölle
Petunia, hans fru
A shy and aging bachelor suddenly becomes very interesting to the women in town after a rumour starts spreading about him being together with a famous movie star in his youth.
Near and Far Away
ECT Treated Woman
Mania is a new employee at a mental hospital, where she meets a young man with mutism. He gets her to realize that it is a fluid boundary between being healthy and being regarded as sick.
Klara Lust
Helge, a factory worker, awakens to life after he almost loses his arm in a machine. His happiness at not losing his arm has him see the world in a new way. He takes a vacation, where he sees Klara, a beautiful girl. He decides to spend the rest of the vacation searching for her.
Holidays on the swedish east coast. Invading summer guests collide with the locals, all without inhibitions. The formerly so radical Social Democratic municipal councilor has completely lost his visions and fully accepts that the area is transformed into a tourist resort for the rich.
Vägen genom Skå
Inga starts working as a trainee at Skå Barnby at Färingsö outside Stockholm. There she gets acquainted with people living nearby. Soon disturbances and conflicts arise between them.
Intill helvetets portar
Lab Assistant
Professor Barring is awarded the Nobel Prize in physics. According to Barring the scientist's sole duty is to seek the truth, even if this leads to the "gates of hell".
Портовый город
Берит — молодая девушка. Долгое время она не могла жить со своей матерью и всё это время провела в школе-интернате. Наконец-то она получила работу в городе и теперь может жить вместе с матерью. Их отношения очень напряжённые. Однажды на танцах она встречает моряка Геста. Сможет ли он оказать ей поддержку, в которой она нуждается?
Дождь над нашей любовью
Упустившая свой поезд Магги встречает Давида и проводит вместе с ним ночь. Не имея денег на проживание, они проникают в летний домик, хозяин которого предлагает им сделку. Там им предстоит столкнуться со своим прошлым, настоящим и туманным будущим.
Нелли, воспитанная приемной матерью, знакомится со своей настоящей матерью, которая берет ее в Стокгольм. Там девушка знакомится с ее молодым любовником и внезапно попадает в любовный треугольник.