Betty Kysilková

Betty Kysilková

Рождение : 1879-02-01,

Смерть : 1951-10-21


Betty Kysilková


Pantáta Bezoušek
Adam a Eva
Týna Trnková
Adam Kavalír returns from abroad to take over the family factory from his father. But as a consequence of his father's bohemian lifestyle the business is so far in debt that the Kavalírs even lose their villa and must find a place to sublet. Mrs. Trojanová is no longer up to managing her pension, the co-owner of which is none other than her peevish daughter Eva, and she is looking for a capable manager. Adam applies for the position and is accepted.
Paní Kačka zasahuje...
Kateřina Vomáčená
He Stood at the Till
U pokladny stál... is a Czech comedy film. It was released in 1939.
Umlčené rty
Marie Nováková
Bláhové děvče
Manželka něco tuší
Druhé mládí
Klatovští dragouni
Lízin let do nebe
Kariéra matky Lízalky
Jarčin profesor
Švanda dudák
Žena na rozcestí
Lidé pod horami
Rozvod paní Evy
Tvoje srdce inkognito
Manželství na úvěr
Naše XI.
Na tý louce zelený
Jedenácté přikázání
Za ranních červánků
Dokud máš maminku
Anita v ráji
Jindra, the Countess Ostrovín
Идеальный учитель
Madame in the train
В женской гимназии появляется новый профессор, застенчивый и старомодный Карел Сухий. С самого начала он становится объектом шуток своих учениц. Особенно часто он подвергается насмешкам со стороны очаровательной и легкомысленной Веры Матысовой - племянницы хозяйки дома, в котором он снимает квартиру. Однажды Вера спорит с другими ученицами, что поцелуется с новым учителем...
The Undertaker
teta Františka Plicová
Лёличек на службе у Шерлока Холмса
Король Пуэрто-Рико - Фернандо XXIII, просит известного детектива Холмса достать ему двойника, потому что боится покушения. Холмс находит в Бродеке, Моравия, печально известного должника Франтишека Леличека, который похож на яйца и яйца для короля. Леличек, преследуемый кредиторами, принимает предложение. Красивая и молодая королева отказалась уйти в безопасное изгнание со своим трусливым мужем, и Леличек энергично берёт на себя его роль.
Naceradec, King of Kibitzer
Skalní ševci
Men on the Offsides
The owner of the ready-to-wear store, Mr. Richard Naceradec from Zizkov, is an enthusiastic fan of S.K. Slavia and despite his wife's opposition, he goes to football every Sunday. Tailor Emanuel Habásko lives alone with his adult son Eman. Widow Ouholicková chases Krejcí endlessly, but father Habásko bravely resists. Habásko do not recognize any other club except S.K. Viktoria. One day, Naceradec will face Eman at the match between Slavia and Viktoria.
Darling of the regiment
The Last Bohemian
In "Fidlovacka", the name of a Czechoslovakian festival, the proprietress of a cheese factory picks a fiancé for her orphaned niece in her desire to bring aristocratic blood into the family. THe niece has also picked the man she wants to marry and isn't the the rich aristocrat.
Такова жизнь
История бедной рабочей семьи в Праге конца 1920-х годов.
Paní Katynka z vaječného trhu
The Sins of Love
The troubled situation of a provincial actor and his actress wife who come to the city. The actor is suspected of attacking another actor who admires the actress.
Pramen lásky
Známosti z ulice
The Lovers of an Old Criminal
Factory owner Pardon, meets Olga, daughter of clairvoyant Stefanie Lesczynska at a ball. Their brief acquaintance is interrupted when Olga and her mother have to leave. Fifi Hrazánková has her sights set on the elligible Pardon. Pardon asks his Uncle Cyril Ponděliček if the girl could take over his position at work so that she may be dissuaded of her amorous intentions. Fifi seduces Pondělíček. In the meantime, Pardon meets Olga and Stefanie again by chance and offers them a place to stay at Ponděliček’s while Pondělíček passes himself off as Pardon.
Irča v hnízdečku
Pohádka máje
A lyrical tale of the pure, vernal romance between a diffident, somewhat naive girl from a rural backwater and a fairly dissolute, but kind-hearted law student from Prague.
The Loves of Kačenka Strnadová
Hroznata Snytlíková
The film depicts the adventures of Kacenka (Zdena Kavková) and Vincek (Vlasta Burian), two innocent country bumpkins who live in a Czech small town, and the various jobs that Kacenka has once she moves to Prague, that beautiful capital city. Our heroine will have to bear difficult working conditions and to make things worse, she falls in love with a fake aristocrat. Fortunately her companion, Vincek who is also in Prague, has an unrequited love for her. Though he is the cause of many Kacenka's problems, Vincek finally will help and resolve her loves troubles. And of course there is a happy ending that brings the Czech couple together.
Velbloud uchem jehly
Prach a broky
Dobrý voják Švejk
Josef Kajetán Tyl
Vicar's housewife
A biographical story about significant Czech dramatist, writer and actor Josef Kajetán Tyl.
Vyznavači slunce
Jedenácté přikázání
Dvojí život
Dejte se omladit
Proč se nesměješ
Manželé paní Mileny
Adam and Eva
Twins Adam and Eva are so alike, it is impossible to tell them apart, which enables the malicious Eva to get away with all sorts of naughty tricks and leave the blame to fall on Adam. The pair grows up and Adam decides to pay Eva back for the tricks she played on him in the past. When he discovers that the handsome Dr Prokop Novotny is interested in Eva, he dresses up as Eva and startles the suitor.
Jejich svatební noc
Venoušek a Stázička
Roztržené foto
Irčin románek II.
Mnichovo srdce
Sázka o hubičku
Irčin románek I.
Choulostivé námluvy