Jack Stewart

Jack Stewart

Рождение : 1913-03-22, Larkhall, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK

Смерть : 1966-01-02


Jack Stewart


Том Джонс
Том Джонс, брошенный ребенок, воспитывается у сквайра Олверти. Негодуя, что Блайфил является законным наследником Олверти, Том становится мошенником, падким на хорошеньких женщин. Он испытывает чувства к дочери сквайра Вестерна Софи, однако ее доброжелатель узнает про его отношения с местной девушкой Молли. Том терпит неудачу и отправляется в путешествие…
Пираты кровавой реки
Godfrey Mason
Капитан морских разбойников Ла Рош уверен, что в деревне Джонатана находятся некие сокровища, и хочет, чтобы юноша привел его к ним. Но сам изгнанник даже не догадывается о том, что настоящее сокровище деревни — статуя его дедушки, на самом деле сделанная из чистого золота.
The Frightened City
A London accountant (Herbert Lom) forms six gangs into a syndicate which he tries to control with a killer (Sean Connery).
Молодой человек Дэвид Балфур отправляется с письмом в поместье к своему дяде, младшему брату умершего отца. Юноша должен вступить во владение наследством. Но жестокий и коварный дядя вовсе не спешит расставаться со своими владениями. Он придумывает хитрый план. Племянника похищают пираты, чтобы потом продать на аукционе рабов в Южной Каролине. Но судьба благосклонна к Дэвиду. Она посылает ему спасение в лице лучшего воина Шотландии благородный рыцаря Элана Стюарта, попавшего на тот же корабль
Devil's Bait
Dr. MacKenzie
The police, with the help of a baker, try to find the owner a loaf of bread accidentally poisoned with potassium cyanide.
The Steel Bayonet
Pte. Wentworth
Tunis, 1943. Battle-weary troops of Company C have orders to occupy a derelict Tunisian farmhouse. They are to establish an artillery observation post, reporting on enemy movements before the imminent offensive to liberate Tunis. However German infantrymen discover their operations. The ensuing battle for control of this small piece of land will decide who controls Tunis but more critically, the victors in the battle of democracy versus fascism.
The Heart Within
Inspector Matheson
This is one of David Hemming's earliest performances in the cinema: the star actor was just 15 when he portrayed a teenager who determines to clear a black friend on the run who is accused of murder.
The Spanish Gardener
Police Escort
British diplomat Harrington Brande takes up his new lowly post in Spain accompanied by his son Nicholas. That his wife had left him seems to have affected his career. Nicholas sees it all as something of an adventure and soon becomes friends with the new gardener, Jose. As Nicholas begins to spend more time with Jose, his father takes offense and is concerned at the boy's loss of affection for him. It leads him to bar Nicholas from even speaking to the gardener. And soon tensions mount.
Johnny, You're Wanted
Returning late to London, Johnny gives a lift to an attractive female hitch-hiker. Some distance on, he stops to make a phone call and buy a coffee, but on returning to his cab finds the woman gone. Assuming she has hitched another ride, he continues on his way. A short time later he is flagged down by another driver, who has come across a woman lying by the roadside. The woman is Johnny's hitchhiker and she's dead.
Johnny, You're Wanted
Inspector Bennett
Returning late to London, Johnny gives a lift to an attractive female hitch-hiker. Some distance on, he stops to make a phone call and buy a coffee, but on returning to his cab finds the woman gone. Assuming she has hitched another ride, he continues on his way. A short time later he is flagged down by another driver, who has come across a woman lying by the roadside. The woman is Johnny's hitchhiker and she's dead.
Radio Cab Murder
Fred Martin, a taxi driver who is a reformed convict, is used by the police to go undercover in order to help catch a gang of safe robbers. However things start to go wrong when the police stake out the wrong bank and Fred finds himself alone with the crooks.
The 'Maggie'
The poor, elderly—and the wily, when it comes to parting those who can afford it from their money—Scottish skipper of a broken-down old 'puffer' boat tricks an American tycoon into paying him to transport his personal cargo. When the tycoon learns of the trick, he attempts to track down the boat and remove his possessions.
The Kidnappers
After losing their father in the Boer War, orphaned brothers Harry and Davy must leave their home in Scotland to live with their grandmother and cantankerous grandfather in Nova Scotia. The boys want nothing more than a pet dog, but their grandfather refuses to get them one. Then, when the brothers find an abandoned baby, they decide to keep it – but the foundling may not have been abandoned after all.
The Brave Don't Cry
Willie Duncan
The Brave Don't Cry aspires to the "feel" of a documentary, right down to the deliberate absence of background music. A mine in Scotland falls victim to a cave-in, trapping some one hundred workers. Rescue parties are formed as the tremulous families of the miners wait in agony. As in the actual incident upon which this film is based, the rescue is nip and tuck and times, but eventually successful. The faces of real-life Scottish mining folk are melded with the professional actors in The Brave Don't Cry, adding poignancy to this otherwise cut-and-dried film.
Mr. Campbell
An unexpected bond develops between a fugitive killer and a runaway orphan on an odyssey across England.
A Case For P.C. 49
Mike Cutler
A model’s scheme to murder a millionaire with the intention of inheriting his fortune is uncovered by a police constable.
Leading Seaman Kelly
Для экипажа британской субмарины «Троянец» это должно было быть обычное утро, пока их жизни навсегда не изменила непредвиденная катастрофа. После случайного столкновения с миной в мирных британских водах, сильнейший взрыв отправил лодку на океанское дно с запертыми внутри 12-ю моряками.
The Gorbals Story
Peter Reilly
A successful artist recalls his life in the tenements of the Glasgow slums. In flashback his recalls the events and characters he shared with in a slum tenement building.