Mariella Valentini
Рождение : 1959-06-23, Milano, Italy
Oscar is a thirty years old man who has made his transpecies transition: he feels he is a dog (in the body of a human being). His mother Angela has decided to introduce her son to her partner Gianmarco. But how will he react?
Dr. Pirovano
Joe, Carlo, Bobo and Giacomo have always been friends, each with their own life and problems, but united by an authentic bond and the passion that brought them together: music. The Boys, the band's name, had had lightning-fast success in the 1970s. In their routine - between love and personal affairs - a possibility bursts that takes them on a new journey: they will have to deal with the dreams and ambitions of the past and the world of today, but even more they will discover the meaning of their friendship. .
Madre di Lucia
Claudia Ausperg
Рим, 1946 год. Известный дирижер Валерио Де Лука уходит из жизни, оставив горячо любимую дочь Аврору во власти злой мачехи. Но унаследованные от родителей талант, любовь и вера помогают девушке преодолеть все невзгоды.
Италия 70-х. Студенчество, требуя политических и экономических реформ, устраивает митинги и забастовки, которые сотрясают страну. Спасаясь от карабинеров, один из организаторов такого митинга, студент архитектурного училища Андреа забегает в бар и встречает там Джулию, молодую лицеистку из обеспеченной семьи. Джулия, примерная ученица, имеет авторитарных родителей, желающих всенепременно сунуть нос в ее личную жизнь, и при удобном случае настоять на своем. Андреа, душа любой компании, не имеет особых успехов в институте, работает автомехаником в маленькой мастерской, и души не чает в своей матери. Молодые люди влюбляются друг в друга, но в их отношения вмешивается случай: Андреа, который, как каждый творческий человек, не сильно любил математику, не смог сдать важный экзамен, был отчислен из института и тут же получил повестку в армию…
Фильм посвящён жизни джазового пианиста Луки Фореса. Картина рассказывает о детских годах Луки, проведённых в Африке, где работал его отец-геолог, о его учёбе во Флоренции. Его большой талант и постоянный труд открыли ему дверь в мир мировой музыки, он выступал с величайшими джазовыми музыкантами того времени, в том числе с Четом Бейкером. Но трагедия, которую он пережил в детстве, когда в аварии погибла его мать, оставила глубокую рану в его душе, от которой он не смог оправиться всю свою жизнь и которая в конечном итоге привела к трагическому уходу музыканта из жизни в марте 1995 года...
London-based Italian Antonio bets on everything, from the lottery to horses and soccer matches without ever winning or losing the hope of winning; so convinced that his luck is going to turn that his betting companions have started to call him "Win tomorrow". One day Antonio notices that he's being followed by a suspicious looking stranger, well - dressed and obviously rich. This happens frequently, causing Antonio to become very concerned. Alarmed, he tells wife and gambling companions about the situation, but they all just make fun of him, convincing him he's the victim of his imagination.
7th September 1943. The honest and reliable carabiniere Umberto is sent to escort the flamboyant con man Raoul Nuvolini from Terni to Venice. Umberto's fiancée Luisa follows him against his will.
Emma Di Nardo
Anna Mentasi
A well-liked employee in a multinational firm, formerly working on peers' motivation and professional training, is given the task to fire 25 of his colleagues. Stress and changes in his life ensue.
Luisa Russo
Gaia lives her life in joy. She is a teenager, she loves her father, manager of an important firm, she has a boyfriend and she is among the best in her classroom. But one night two policemen arrest her father. He is accused of bribe.
Fiery, dark-haired Stella, an intense auto mechanic, and nervous, blonde Eleonora are young and in love. They operate a gas station peacefully, until Eleonora's mother appears and voices her disapproval of their romance.
Paola, a double bass player at the last concert of her band's tour, discovers she's pregnant. But that's not the only problem she's forced to face. The relationship with her parents is problematic: his father is lost in alcohol and the future grandmother is becoming a mother for the second time. To complicate things further, the friends who play with her have just signed a contract for a series of concerts in Europe.
Silvia Talmone
italian short
In 1943, Vincenzio and Maria take their children to his father's Tuscan farm. Vincenzio commutes to Rome where he's a physician and, in the hospital basement, prints an anti-Fascist paper. His brother is in the Resistance; his father supplies food to a local monastery where 12 fugitives hide. All is seen through the eyes of the oldest child, Paulo, who's about 7 and the only lad at school who doesn't wear a Fascist Youth uniform. For Paulo and his siblings, it's great fun playing with their nonno, finding herbs in the fields, watching a maid's tryst with a soldier, teasing a silent monk. Then the war reaches the farm when Italy surrenders and the Germans exact revenge.
Главному герою фильма, Саро, молодому парню из Албании, всего 20 лет, и он поступает на военную службу в военно-воздушные силы Италии. Там он узнает, что многие военнослужащие занимаются проституцией, чтобы заработать денег. Его сержант — гомосексуалист, по вечерам после службы приторговывающий своим телом на плешке. Сержант влюбляется в Саро. Молодые люди рады быть вместе, но однажды капитан подразделения насилует парня. Саро после некоторых колебаний возбуждает против него дело, но капитан уверен в том, что Саро не сможет ничего доказать и считает, что выйдет сухим из воды, ведь на его стороне все армейские власти, которые не хотят раздувать скандал…
A white-collar worker finds himself in the crosshairs of his attractive female boss.
la donna che dorme
La Moglie (segment "Vuoto a rendere")
Very rare Italian horror anthology from 1994, starring amongst many others, Asia Argento. This Italian movie is an anthology based with no linking material, only that all of the stories have a horror/suspense/surreal theme. The stories are diverse, ranging from routine stories with twist-endings to social satire. The directing styles are equally as eclectic - compare the frenetic Peter Jackson-style opening segment, Our Guys Are Coming to the surrealistic, dreamlike qualities of Outlook.
Maurizio works in a dubbing studio and puts sound effects into cartoons. One day his hands turn into cartoon ones, with a life of their own.
A writer is haunted by eerie appearances after the death of his wife.
Michele is a Communist MP who loses his memory in a car crash—although nobody seems to notice it. During a water polo match ahead of election day, he starts to remember his past life, revealing the picture of a man whose personal and political identity crisis mirrors the one of Italian communism.
Lisa Slivak
An Ancient Mayan curse is awakened in the ancient temples in Mexico, and people are killed in strange and gory ways by an invisible force.
The young priest Father Giulio returns to Rome, his hometown, after a long pilgrimage. Don Giulio hopes to live peacefully with his family and his friends, but discovers that many of them are depressed or frustrated, and some suicidal.