Alan Plater

Рождение : 1935-04-15, Jarrow, Tyne and Wear, England, UK

Смерть : 2010-06-25


Родился в 1918 году в Джарроу, Алан Платер воспитывался в Халле и обучался как архитектор в Ньюкасле. С 1961 года он был писателем с полной занятостью, с более чем двумя сотнями разнообразных кредитов на радио, телевидении, в театре и кино - плюс шесть романов, периодическая журналистика, трансляция и преподавание. Его первые пьесы были написаны для радио, который он все еще любит. Его пьеса «ЖУРНАЛ ВАСИЛЬСТВА БОГДАНОВИЧ» выиграла премию Sony Radio Award 1983 года, оправдывая его веру в эксцентричные титулы. Недавние работы включают трехчастную драматизацию ВСЕХ ВЕЩЕЙ BETRAY THEE классический роман Гвина Томаса о первых днях Промышленной революции, радикальной новой версии LOWER DEPTHS Gorki и новой пьесе, ТОЛЬКО ВО ВРЕМЕНИ, услышал в феврале в этом году. Его телевизионная карьера началась с череды одиночных игр, а также пожертвований в новаторскую серию Z CARS. Последующая работа включала в себя BARCHESTER CHRONICLES, THE BEIDERBECKE TRILOGY, FORTUNES OF WAR и ОЧЕНЬ БРИТАНСКИЙ COUP - накапливая награды от, в том числе, BAFTA, Гильдии телерадиовещания и Королевского телевидения - плюс Международная эммия (США), Золотое руно Грузии (СССР) и Гран-при фестиваля Банф (Канада). Его фильм «ВЫБРАННЫЕ ВЫХОДЫ» о Гвине Томасе и Энтони Хопкинс в главной роли был показан в Рождество 1993 года, получив премию BAFTA Cymru Writing Award и премию Королевского телевидения за лучшую региональную программу.


Joe Maddison's War
In Memory Of
Newcastle, 1939. Shipyard worker Joe feels emasculated and past his prime; too old to serve in the war, and he’s shocked when his wife leaves him for a younger naval officer. Needing a new challenge, Joe and his friend Harry reluctantly volunteer to join the Home Guard.
Joe Maddison's War
Newcastle, 1939. Shipyard worker Joe feels emasculated and past his prime; too old to serve in the war, and he’s shocked when his wife leaves him for a younger naval officer. Needing a new challenge, Joe and his friend Harry reluctantly volunteer to join the Home Guard.
Jake on the Box
Documentary film about the musician Jake Thackray
Jess (Brenda Blethyn) and town handyman Jacob (Kevin Whately) have been happily married 20 years, recently taking in a trio of Jacob's elderly relatives, including his mother (Rosemary Harris). Though the relations are demanding, kindhearted Jess -- who selflessly quit her job -- enjoys looking after them. But when Jacob disappears one day, Jess' life falls apart, and she must learn to cope with things on her own in this touching drama.
Последняя из блондинок-красоток
После смерти мужа Элизабет решает восстановить свой свинговый ансамбль, в котором она играла во время Второй мировой войны.
Keep the Aspidistra Flying
Gordon Comstock is a copywriter at an ad agency, and his girlfriend Rosemary is a designer. Gordon believes he is a genius, a marvelous poet and quits the ad agency, trying to live on his poems, but poverty soon comes to him.
Doggin' Around
The past catches up with an ageing American jazz pianist when he returns to the clubs of Lancashire and Yorkshire that he last visited 10 years previously.
On the death of her mother, a young woman in northern England learns that her father is actually her step-father. She embarks on a search for her birth father, finds him running a jazz club in London, and learns a lot of happy and sad things about her family that she didn't know before. The title of the film is the classic jazz piece, "Misterioso," by Thelonious Monk, which features prominently in it.
Death Is Part of the Process
Coming Through
While researching the work of author D.H. Lawrence (Kenneth Branagh), Kate (Alison Steadman) begins a romance with a fellow academic, and learns about Lawrence's love affair with the married aristocrat Frieda Von Richthofen (Helen Mirren) in this made-for-television drama. As Lawrence and Von Richthofen fall deeper into their forbidden relationship, Kate grows more familiar with Lawrence's work, such as the sensuous Lady Chatterly's Lover.
The Inside Man
In 1981, after the successful test of a submarine tracker device developed by the Swedish scientist Paul Mandell and sponsored by the US government through his representative Miller, his industry is totally burned and the laser device is stolen. Stig Larsson from the Swedish Secret Agency suspects of an inside job and brings the Swedish Marine Thomas Kallin to investigate Paul undercover as his driver. The naive Kallin is double-crossed but continues his investigation while Larsson finds the truth about the heist.
The Crystal Spirit: Orwell on Jura
A remote farmhouse on an isolated island. Strangers with English accents. Quarrels and a lonely child. The year is 1946. The man is George Orwell. The book he has come to write is Nineteen Eighty-four.
The story is set in a small English coastal town, around the turn of the century. A young woman, thought by many in the village to be a witch, dies suddenly one day. Not long after she's buried, the villagers begin to see her walking around the area and especially along the shoreline. The village minister begins to look into her life and her death, hoping to lay the spirit to rest.
Priest of Love
Following the banning and burning of his novel, "The Rainbow," D.H. Lawrence and his wife, Frieda, move to the United States, and then to Mexico. When Lawrence contracts tuberculosis, they return to England for a short time, then to Italy, where Lawrence writes "Lady Chatterley's Lover."
On the Road with J.B. Priestley and The Good Companions
Alan Plater looks at the various adaptations of J.B. Priestley's 'The Good Companions', in the company of the author himself.
On the Road with J.B. Priestley and The Good Companions
Alan Plater looks at the various adaptations of J.B. Priestley's 'The Good Companions', in the company of the author himself.
It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet
Based on James Herriot's books about life as a 1930s' veterinarian in Yorkshire, John Alderson plays the kindly doctor who ministers to animals in this enjoyable family film. Sequel to the 1975 film All Creatures Great and Small.
Additional Dialogue
Террорист-призрак, называющий себя «Джаггернаут», захватывает пассажирский корабль. Его условия: если в течение суток власти не заплатят 500 тысяч фунтов, пассажиры будут уничтожены. На борт лайнера отправляется профессиональный сапер...
Land of Green Ginger
Faced with the prospect of being sent to work abroad, Sally Brown returns home from London to Hull, to see if she still feels the same attachment for her home town - and for her old boyfriend Mike Thurlow. Will she decide to take the job abroad or return to live with Mike in Hull?
The Virgin and the Gypsy
Film adaptation from the novel by D.H. Lawrence, discovered after the celebrated author's death in 1930, a romantic love story tells of a prim young English girl who is sexually attracted to a seductively virile gypsy. The climatic dam burst is linked with the consummation of her desire.
Feet Foremost
The new owners of a Manor House discover a legend that whoever is carried across the threshold shall unleash unknown forces...
The Intercessor
A writer seeking seclusion takes rooms in a remote farmhouse. Soon his quiet is broken by sounds and then sightings of a small child...