Emma Eliza Regan


Aine Ni Laoighrie
История священника, который в молодые годы пылкими проповедями способствовал разжиганию восстания Ирландии против Англии, государства-суверена.
Hannah returns home to her estranged Father to piece together the circumstances of her Mother's death. On the discovery of an ancient Ouija board from a local antique dealer, Hannah uncovers a deadly curse from the past.
I Am Cursed
Alicia 'Mysterious Girl'
An unassuming man has a secret past. Trouble follows wherever he goes. Unknowingly, Lisa befriends him and soon discovers the truth behind his past.
Guardians Of The Crown
When Matthew explores the 'spiral' in his grandmother's garden (a strange structure built by his late grandfather) he discovers an entrance into the magical world of 'the Shadows' where he meets his new Shadow friends, Yorrick and Alice, and begins his great adventure.
Тьма на окраине города
Cleo Callahan
Девушка-снайпер Клео Каллахан решает отомстить за смерть своей сестры-изгоя, убитой в общественном туалете. Клео не знает, что убийца, которого она поклялась убить – её лучшая подруга Робин О`Райли.
Love Eternal
Cathy Malone
Based on the Japanese novel 'Loving the Dead' from acclaimed author Kei Oishi, the film centres on a damaged young man who, after shutting himself away for ten years, is forced to venture out into a world that he no longer understands.
Out There
When a man wakes up in the woods with no memory of how he got there, and blood dripping from his head, he wanders in search of help and an explanation - only to find more questions.
Смерть супергероя
Дональд Кларк — самый обыкновенный тинейджер. Он любит компьютерные игры, громкую музыку и комиксы. И еще Дональд уверен, что не доживет до совершеннолетия. То есть у него осталось совсем немного времени, чтобы успеть попробовать на вкус массу важных вещей: напиться с друзьями, выкурить косяк, лишиться девственности и — поближе познакомиться с самим собой. В фантазиях Дональд видит себя бессмертным супергероем, который противостоит отвратительному суперзлодею с большим шприцем, а роковая любовь супергероя поет на сцене ночного клуба…
The Fading Light
To the outside world, Yvonne is a strong, happy and successful woman. But when she returns home to be with her sick mother, she is forced to make life-changing decisions and the facade that she has carefully constructed begins to collapse.
Our Wonderful Home
A husband and father struggles to keep his family in the comfortable lifestyle to which they have grown accustomed while keeping his financial worries secret from them.
Tin Can Man
Recently dumped by his girlfirend for another man, working in a job he hates, things could be better for Peter. One night, while he is alone in his apartment, there is a knock on the door. His life will never be the same again.