Saber Abar

Saber Abar

Рождение : 1984-06-09, Tehran, Iran


Saber Abar is a cinema and television actor who was born in 1984 in Tehran, Iran. He began his acting career in cinema with Mohammad Ahmadi's "Poet of Wastes" movie. He was nominated as Best Actor for Crystal Simorgh Award from Fajr Film Festival for "About Elly" by Asghar Farhadi, "Tambourine" by Parisa Bakht Avar and "Colors of Memory".His other movies are "Nothing" by Abdolreza Kahani, "Thirteen Fifty-Nine" by Saman Salour, "Here Without Me" by Bahram Tavakoli and "At The End of 8th Street" by Alireza Amini.


Saber Abar
Saber Abar
Saber Abar


The Great Yawn of History
Beitollah is a religious man who has been dreaming about a box of gold coins appearing at the end of a cave. He believes these coins are a miracle and wants to find them. But since he does not consider the coins to be halal, he wants to find a non-religious assistant to accompany him on the search. With the help of a job advertisement printed on the back of counterfeit dollar bills that Beitollah distributes on the streets of Tehran, he recruits the young Shoja and the two set off together to search for the coins. They discover several caves in the north of Iran but none is the right one. They move on to the central deserts of Iran and spend the night at a Caravanserai roadside inn. The inn’s owner suspects that the two might be looking for treasure and decides to follow them on his motorcycle…
Summer of that Year
7-year-old Atta is taken to a fortune teller to identify the thief of her aunt's gold during a ceremony. Atta, who has no idea of the outcome of what she utters in that situation, to get out of that situation, tells everything from her aunt's definitions about Dawood, her other cousin.
Without Her
Roya and Babak are a young couple who intend to emigrate from Iran. Roya's encounter with an anonymous girl is the beginning of strange events in their life.
Без предварительной договоренности
Когда Ясмин было шесть лет, как сейчас ее сыну, семья иммигрировала в Берлин. Теперь героиня вынуждена вернуться в Иран из-за смерти отца. Сын страдает аутизмом, и это сильно осложняет поездку. Приехав в Иран, Ясмин, которая почти не знала своего отца, с удивлением обнаруживает, что все наследство он оставил ей. Короткое и нежеланное пребывание в родном городе отца и встречи с теми, кто его знал, заставляют ее по-новому осмыслить такие понятия, как жизнь, смерть и человеческая сущность.
Toomaj manages to escape from the prison but when get back home he finds that his wife has been raped by an unknown person. This is only the beginning of the troubles as Toomaj begins to search for that person.
Lovely Trash
It's about a family that has the opportunity to solve the mother's problem one night.
A Hairy Tale
Danesh works in a barbershop and dreams about becoming an actor. Manfered is an agent who would introduce Danesh to a famous director if he collects enough long hairs to be used as wigs. At the same time a series of murders have worried everyone. Who is the killer and is the barbershop in any way related?
Getting Even
Kasra moves back to his own country after years with a strange plan to build his future. He finds Mohsen, a go-between guy to help him, and meets Mahsa; and old love who has a thirst to move out of country. They find Reza as the only who could make the plan happens. But something very strange push them to change their plan which concludes completely different ending.
In Between
A crime scene investigation is in progress.
I Want to
Bahram Farzaneh is a writer who has long been unable to write a story. Suddenly, due to a car accident, a song is repeated in his mind that brings him to dance. The same thing stirred up the passion for writing.
Four friends run over something after a party in this psychological thriller set in Iran of the empty lives of the middle class when they get together in groups, emotional explosions start happening along moral fault lines.
Tale of the Sea
Taher Mohebi is a well-known writer who, after witnessing a violent murder, breaks down and spends three years in a mental institution. After release he is told that things are just as they were before, but his relentless hallucinations make him want to return to the institution.
Saber Abar
В Тегеране происходит серия убийств модных кинематографистов. Забытый режиссер Хасан даже опечален тем, что убийца его игнорирует. Но вскоре ситуация меняется, и Хасан становится главным подозреваемым в череде смертей.
Searing Summer
A couple's son, Parham disappears in the babysitter's house. Complications arise as the babysitter claims Parham hasn't been to their house.
The Villa Complex Residents
Vilaeiha is the story of the families of the Iranian's army leaders in 1986. Aziz is a 50 years old woman who enters the Villas complex with her grand children. Elyas is a driver who when comes here, all become tension that maybe he brings bad news about the army leaders who fight in the front lines. After a while Cima who is Aziz' daughter-in-law comes to take her children away with her.
Hamechiz Baraie Foroosh
A family reunion after several years.
Dowry's Sugar Bowl
Ata and Masoumeh are living in a rented house. Their lease time is over and they can not pay the rent added. But they like to stay and live in this house...
I am Diego Maradona
After a rock is thrown through a window, two families become intertwined in a dispute after an incident following an unsuccessful marriage. The couple in question try to hash out what actually went wrong, as the surrounding family members point fingers at one another. Tension builds as all of their other problems seem to bubble to the surface at the same time.
Crazy Rook
The story of a young friends who met on the Internet and a fun way to bet on a complex and daunting fall. The path to a new understanding of life and society for Each of them.
Narges's Husband
Рассказ о жизни семи простых людей. Молодая женщина с ребенком на руках садится в такси, но, как быстро выясняется, у неё нет ни денег, ни дома… Пожилая дама стоит в очереди в некоем учреждении. Она просит мужчину помочь ей заполнить бланк для получения пенсии, но мужчине совсем нет дела до какой-то старухи, у него хватает своих проблем… Неграмотный фабричный рабочий становится безумно ревнивым, когда его жена получает письмо от человека, который когда-то нанял ее для «временного брака»… Все истории связаны единой нитью страдания и борьбы, и все вместе эти истории складываются, как кусочки мозаики, в портрет страны, существующей в тисках бюрократии, наркомании, матерей-одиночек и массы других проблем.
For some time Taha [Saber Abar] and Reyhan [Nazanin Bayati] have been looking after an old man named Manuchehr Asef [Khosro Bamdad] because of a newspaper advertisement. When Asef dies of ...
No Where No Body
A young couple need easy money. A few friends join them to plan a kidnap, but nothing goes right when some of them go after revenge and betray each other.
An old rich man dreams of his deceased mother. She warns him that he has only 24 hours to apologize to a woman who he has hurt or else he will die. He finds her but getting her consent is not easy at all.
The Snow on the Pines
Piano teacher Roya (Mahnaz Afshar) realizes that her marriage to Ali is in a deadlock when she discovers some of her husband's secrets. In the meantime she meets a young musician (Saber Abar) and has to make a painful choice.
Shallow Yellow Sky
Ghazal suffers her parent's recent death. She was in the car when the accident happened. Now her fiance is the only one left for her, but he can't trust Ghazal's mental health.
Простой прием
Зрители любой страны усвоили прочно, что благими намерениями дорога вымощена в ад. Хагиги снимает роуд-муви на другой сюжет. Его занимает сверхважная и не затертая мысль о том, что благотворительность не так проста, как кажется. Причем в равной степени для дарителей и получателей даров. Речь в его фильме идет о сложнейшем, — поданном, впрочем, с режиссерской тонкостью, прямотой и смелостью — механизме обмена. Не столько экономического обмена — с учетом правил благотворительности. Но в смысле обмена («в контакте») между людьми разных сословий и достатка, потребовавшего испытания каждого из персонажей на их достоинство, выбор, человечность, честность etc.
Facing Mirrors
Rana has chosen a path in order to support her family, while Adineh (Eddie) has fled his home and city to escape his complicated situation as a transsexual man prevented from living as his true self by his family. They find themselves on the same journey and caused to know each other in a better way.
At the End of 8th Street
Niloufar (Taraneh Alidoosti) lives with her family. After an incident happened, her family exposed to a deep trouble: they have to provide a large amount of money to save a family member's life while they have only three days ...
Kissing the Moon-Like Face
Ehteram Sadat and Forugh are neighbor. Their sons disappeared during war and they have been waiting for their dead bodies for almost thirty years.
Thirteen 59
What if you lived by the sea, and one day you stopped hearing the sound of the waves? What would you do then? That's the question posed by Saman Salur in 'Thirteen 59', an introspective study of the psychological side of war. A chief commander in the Iranian army wakes up from a coma years after the war in which he fought has ended. Unable to define himself by the conflict anymore, he struggles to move on from what he has always known and find the peace within himself. Habit is the hardest addiction to kick.
Mr. Yousef
A man lives with his only daughter, doing everything he can to make a living for his daughter's sake. But a misunderstanding makes things complicated for him.
Here Without Me
The story is about the world of a small family with familiar dreams and not so remarkable problems. The mother is trying to lead everything to save her family, but small events disarrange all her plans.
A man, who has some kind of a disease and eats a lot, enters a poor and large family to marry their mother.
Summer of Grandmother
Hamid takes his grandmother, Aziz, to Mashhad to talk her into convincing his father to let him be a football player.
История Элли
После долгих лет, проведенных в Германии, Ахмад отправляется в отпуск на родину, в Иран. Сможет ли он начать новую жизнь на старой родине? Найдет ли в Элли, работающей воспитательницей в детском саде, новую подругу? Как устроено современное иранское общество?
از رئیس جمهور پاداش نگیرید
Mohammad is sent to an apartment situated in uptown Tehran to install their satellite dishes, while having satellite TV is illegal in Iran. He arrives there with a girl named Shirin who seems to be his girlfriend and is in need of some money to repair her father's car with which she has had an accident the day before. Each of the house's residents have their own fish to fry and they also want their satellites installed as soon as possible.
Colors of Memory
Iraj Bahrami
The film relates the story of a surgeon (Doctor Pārsā) who returns to Iran after living in Germany for 33 years. Arriving in Tehran, Doctor Pārsā performs a heart operation on the nephew of the family friend Mr Ghanāti. Mr Ghanāti urges him to travel with him to his home town, Bam. On the trip, they drive past the rubble and destruction and Pārsā remembers back to his childhood.[citation needed]
Poet of the Wastes
A man whose job collecting garbage from the streets. But from this work he becomes aware of the secrets of those houses he collecting garbage from and that lead him to involve in some troubles.