Manolis Mavromatakis

Manolis Mavromatakis


Manolis Mavromatakis is a Greek actor.


Manolis Mavromatakis
Manolis Mavromatakis


Pledging the Sun
A middle-aged man living in the countryside is trapped in an elusive business plan, gradually losing touch with people. A festival will give hime a chance to realize that maybe it is not too late to reconnect with reality.
Улыбочку! Снимаю!
Тьерри проводит дни, разбирая фотографии и думая, что все хорошее осталось в прошлом. Когда его жена Клэр объявляет, что уходит от него, Тьерри предлагает повторить напоследок «Грецию 98», - лучший отпуск с семьей. Официально - чтобы провести последнюю неделю с детьми прежде, чем объявить о разводе. А на самом деле – чтобы вернуть свою жену. Стремясь придать огоньку отношениям в паре, он создает угрозу пожара в своей семье.
At the Airport
In a small greek island, Prokopis is the only employee of the local airport.
Konstantinos Kedrinos
Девятерых переводчиков закроют в изолированном бункере для работы над сверхсекретной рукописью продолжения популярной книги. Однако кто-то все же допустит утечку информации, и работа мечты превратится в кошмар.
The Enemy Within
Kostas Stasinos / Father
Revenge is a recurrent theme in thrillers, usually dispensed by action heroes with a well-stocked arsenal. But in Yorgos Tsemberopoulos’s nuanced moral maze the protagonist is the bookish Kostas (Manolis Mavromatakis), a suburban florist well versed in social and political theory, which he discusses at length with a local publican. But when his home is invaded by masked hoodlums, who bind his family and rape his teenage daughter, our everyman hero finds his intellectual stance untenable. Encouraged by his paranoid, militarist neighbour, Kostas decides to take the law into his own hands, and in doing so begins to understand – for the first time – the world he has been living in. The vigilante movie is a well-explored genre too, but Tsemberopoulos gives it a whole new urgency, subverting the cliched right-wing fantasy structure and seeing it through the eyes of a man who comes to find his real self while trying to live up to the (imagined) expectations of others. (Source: LFF programme)
Savvas, a fifty-five-year old man, witnesses the gradual collapse of everything that he has been building his whole life. Why did things go so wrong? What can be done now? People around his shop are constantly changing. He worries about his daughter’s future. “As long as we’ are alive and well, you have nothing to fear.”
Toy Maker
Once upon a time and place, there was a toy-maker, living alone, in a cabin up on a mountain. He created a wooden puppet, as an opponent for his games of chess. But can a puppet become a worthy opponent? Unless...
Summer 1969. Dictatorship. In a small country town, young Achileas breaks his leg by falling off the yard wall of the local cinema. He wanted to see Brigit Bardot naked... However, during his visit to the city to treat his broken leg, for the first time in his life he sees a television! The program informs about the launching of Apollo to the moon. The idea of the launching becomes Achileas' obsession and along with his friends they collect money, in order to purchase a TV set. However, soon, the dilemma becomes imperative. Will they buy a television or "visit" all together Uranya in order to be taught the secrets of love?
Сон собаки
История одной волшебной ночи в Афинах. Человек возвращаясь домой вспоминает сон о странном ограблении и девушке с красными волосами, а войдя в собственную квартиру обнаруживает, что его самого обчистили, вынеся все до последней вещи. Полицейский, озабоченный странной болезнью своей дочери и обладающий сверхъестественным собачьим чутьем, берется отыскать награбленное. А пострадавший предпринимает попытку разыскать девушку с красными волосами, припоминая, что во сне он сам был кем-то другим. А тот, кем он был во сне, сталкивается в приемной потомственной ясновидящей с полицейским, расследующим ограбление, и затем, выслушав предсказания гадалки тоже пускается в поиски женщины своей жизни...
Quo Vadis?
Love Knot
Olga is a young pharmacist whο lives in the country in Chania, Crete in a confine and claustrophobic environment. Married and the mother of a child she will one day fir herself face to face with her childhood sweetheart, Lefteris who has returned to his place of birth after a long absence, full of ambitions... They both share a tragic sec without, however, confessing, it to each other: they are brother and sister from a different mother. It was the reason they had broken up when they were in love. But now it is not just Olga who goes after Lefteris but Vicky, a young woman who is the complete opposite of his old love. What would love be if it couldn't waste a man!
The introduction of this film is set during the time of the Junta (1967-1974) when the main character (Lefteris Dimakopoulos) used to work at the fish-market in Mesolonggi in order to be able to finish his studies at the Polytechnic University. Later on, we watch Lefteris’ life through his relationship with Dimitra, a fellow student. The ups and downs in their relationship during the course of their studies end up in a deadlock, in which they sacrifice their relationship to their quest for success.