This is the TV adaptation of a novel by Francis Walder. The scene happens in 1570, during the religions wars between catholics and protestants in France. Both sides are decided for a truth, to enable peaceful negociations of a settlement, which will become the peace of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, the same year. The negociation, lead by Henri de Malassise (Jean Rochefort), and the Earl of Biron for the Catholic side, and Mr. d'Ublé and M. de Mélynes for the protestants side.
Jean Cocteau (1889-1963), was a French poet, novelist, dramatist, designer, and filmmaker, whose versatility, unconventionality, and enormous output brought him international acclaim. As a leading member of the surrealist movement, he had a great influence on the work of others.
Executive Producer
Овири — это «Дикарь». Так звали знаменитого французского художника-постимпрессиониста Поля Гогена, когда он жил на Таити. Фильм посвящен последним годам жизни и творчества Гогена после возвращения в Париж, где он не находит ни счастья, ни денег.
A woman finds herself mysteriously pregnant. We do not know anything about the father who could be a simple ... bilboquet!