Aaron Jungels


Завтрак с Кёртисом
Сид - эксцентричный книгопродавец с большим самомнением, подпитываемым красным вином. 5 лет назад он послужил причиной разлада между его богемными соквартирниками и семьёй по соседству, но теперь пытается рекрутировать своего 14-летнего соседа в качестве работника.
A Family Finds Entertainment
Ryan Trecartin’s film A Family Finds Entertainment is a camp extravaganza of epic proportions. Starring Trecartin’s family and friends, and the artist himself in a plethora of outrageous roles, A Family Finds Entertainment chronicles the story of mixed up teenager Skippy and his adventures in ‘coming out’. In this over the top celebration of queerness, Trecartin’s film mines the bizarre and endearing in an unabashed pastiche of ‘bad tv’ tropes. Cheesy video special effects, dress-up chess costumes, desperate scripts, and ‘after school special’ melodrama combine in the fluency of youth-culture lingo, reflecting a generation both damaged and affirmed by media consumption.
With deadpan comedy and rich black and white imagery, STATUARY parallels the stories of a reclusive statuary yard keeper (played by the late great theatre artist Ruth Maleczech) and a college grad looking for meaningful paying work.