Kwan Pung-Leung

Рождение : , Hong Kong, China


Hong Kong Family
The chaos began at the Winter Solstice dinner eight years ago. The father lost his temper, the son, not able to forgive his father, ran away from home. Eight years have passed, and the family's relationship is still cold and distant. A cousin returns to Hong Kong from England and hopes to gather everyone for a Winter Solstice dinner. The long-awaited gathering prompted everyone to rethink their relationships with family members. Some choose to leave, some are back. When things are about to fall apart, it might as well be an opportunity to mend connections.
Listen Before You Sing
Director of Photography
An elementary school in the mountains is to be abolished due to the decreasing population. The PE teacher is assigned to form a choir and to win the national choir contest to solve the crisis. With limited resource and absolutely no music background, the PE teacher and a group of tone-deaf students start to prepare for the contest. The choir and their community eventually find their own voice and identity.
More Than Blue
A terminally ill man sets up his best friend, whom he has loved since high school, so that she will not be lonely after he passes away.
Prison Architect
Director of Photography
The two protagonists – an architect and a prisoner living in parallel realities in the present time and an ambiguous distanced past, respectively – conjure up imaginations and experiences of imprisonment. In their dialogue across space and time they debate the relations between humans, the world, and freedom. They talk of visible and invisible imprisonment, existentialism as a means of self-redemption, and at the same time question the relationship of humans to the space around them. An attempt at reconciliation with the world and human nature.
The 17th Journey Of Compassion
Zoom Hunting
Director of Photography
Yang Ruyi (32), a fashion magazine photographer, lives with her elder sister Yang Ruxing (33), a rational, introverted detective fiction author. Ruyi has inadvertently photographed a couple making madly passionately love. Few days later in a shopping center not far from her home, she finds the woman already married, leading a child and is with a different man. Ruyi shares her secret with Ruxing who is suffering from writer's block. The two sisters begin to observe the couple; gradually Ruxing even writes some of her observations into her novel, without letting Ruyi knows it. Late one night, Ruyi views two people are arguing, but as she picks up her camera to photograph she can only see two vague, dark outlines wrestling one another; Ruyi calls the police but upon arriving, nothing seems out of order. Ruyi is convinced she has mistaken nothing; she enlarges the photo and discovers a third outline looks pretty much like her older sister...
Let the Wind Carry Me
Focusing on Mark Lee Ping-bin, one of the most talented and prolific cinematographers in Asia, the movie details the itinerant lifestyle of a deeply observant and philosophical artist and the tolls that his profession takes on his family life.
Let the Wind Carry Me
Director of Photography
Focusing on Mark Lee Ping-bin, one of the most talented and prolific cinematographers in Asia, the movie details the itinerant lifestyle of a deeply observant and philosophical artist and the tolls that his profession takes on his family life.
Miao Miao
Director of Photography
Struggling to adjust to her new life in Taipei, introverted high school girl Miao Miao opens up after meeting outgoing classmate Xiao Ai who becomes increasingly enamoured with her new friend. Unaware of Xiao Ai's confused feelings for her, Miao Miao falls for brooding CD shop owner Chen Fei, who seems determined to block out the world with a pair of headphones.
Мои черничные ночи
Director of Photography
Элизабет, молодая женщина, прошедшая через множество разочарований, ищет себя и пытается залечить своё разбитое сердце. По мере того, как заживают сердечные раны, мимолётные встречи с незнакомыми людьми ведут её к новым и неизведанным страницам жизни.
Director of Photography
Zong is a tow truck driver. He makes a living by towing away cars parked in the prohibited areas everyday. However, he feels his work is full of complaints made by the car owners. Lian, an art teacher, has a gift to see the distinct things in this chaotic world. She always feels guilty for her occasional illegal parking. One day, Lian and Zong encounter each other, and Lian's pure and simplicity turns Zong’s “emotion switch” on...
The Postmodern Life of My Aunt
Director of Photography
Ye Rutang (Siqin Gaowa), a single-living woman in her late fifties, struggles to maintain a dignified life amid the dangers of Shanghai.
I Travelled 9000 km to Give It to You
Director of Photography
Two lovers meet in the cinema while Jean-Luc Godard's “Alphaville” plays onscreen.
The Heirloom
Director of Photography
A Taiwanese man returns to the island after years abroad when he inherits a house; when he and his fiancé move in, strange things start to happen.
Director of Photography
Он был писателем. Он думал, что пишет о будущем, а на самом деле он писал о прошлом. В его книге загадочный поезд время от времени отправлялся в 2046 год, и все, кто на него садились, стремились погрузиться в утраченное прошлое. Говорили, что в 2046 никогда ничего не меняется. Никто не знал наверняка, так ли это, потому что уехавшие туда никогда не возвращались, кроме одного человека. Он съездил и предпочел вернуться. Он хотел измениться…
Hidden Track
Director of Photography
Pu Pu is dumped by her boyfriend whom she loves. Before she moves out, she asks to listen to "their song" just one more time, that is the hidden track by Jay Chou. Then she leaves him and goes to her sister's place in Hong Kong. All the while she is there, she searches for the same song, the "hidden track", and from this it leads her onto a journey of discovering love and a new beginning. Despite the whole movie revolving around Jay Chou's song, Jay Chou plays only a cameo part.
Goddess of Mercy
Director of Photography
Yang Rui falls in love for the cleaning woman who works in a taekwando gym, only to later discover she's an undercover cop named An Xin. An is in hiding from drug smugglers who have a score to settle with her - a raid she led resulted in the death of one of the smuggler's parents. To complicate matters further, An was previously romantically involved with the smuggler whose parents were killed.
Июльская рапсодия
Director of Photography
Приближающийся к сорокалетнему юбилею Лам работает учителем. У него есть жена и двое сыновей — один вот-вот закончит университет, а второй пока учится в школе. Кризис среднего возраста подкрадывается к Ламу незаметно: ученики как один идиоты, жена утомляет, работа достала. Проблеск надежды он видит в своей ученице У — самоуверенной девице, у которой есть талант, но нет желания его развивать. Девушка очевидно заинтересована им, поэтому Лам нерешительно, но все же делает ответный шаг.
Director of Photography
A young woman's life is changed when an angel with a broken wing lands on her balcony.
The Island Tales
Director of Photography
A group of disparate characters find themselves trapped overnight on a island somewhere off the coast of mainland China. The circumstances force them to overlook their preconceptions of one another, and they forge a kinship that goes to the heart their identities.
Buenos Aires Zero Degree: The Making of 'Happy Together'
A making of documentary for Happy Together. Includes interviews, on-set footage, cut scenes and footage of crew members revisiting the locations where Happy Together was filmed.
Buenos Aires Zero Degree: The Making of 'Happy Together'
A making of documentary for Happy Together. Includes interviews, on-set footage, cut scenes and footage of crew members revisiting the locations where Happy Together was filmed.
Hold You Tight
Director of Photography
Two women are bound for the same plane, one of whom makes the flight while the other does not. In a cruel twist of fate, the plane crashes, killing everyone on board, and leaving the friends and family of the two women to talk about what was and what could have been.
Прах времен
Director of Photography
В центре сюжета — Уянг Фенг, который перебирается в Западную Пустыню после того, как любимая женщина его отвергает. Он занимается тем, что нанимает искусных воинов для выполнения заказных убийств. Уязвленное самолюбие делает его безжалостным и циничным, но по мере того, как он встречает друзей, знакомится с клиентами и будущими врагами, он начинает осознавать свое одиночество…