Darrell Philip


Darrell Philip


For Your Own Sake
Doug Freeman
A family must pull together and put aside their differences when an intervention is interrupted by an escaped convict, who proceeds to hold them all captive in their own home.
Is Karmen's ability to write a gift or a curse? She is about to find out if her entire life is a lie.
Rico San Marco
An eight year old child of undocumented immigrants takes on the persona of his TV Cowboy hero to defend his father's honor after he is swindled out of his wages a few days before Christmas.
If Not for His Grace
Dr. Henry
If Not for His Grace
Республика Рика
Minister Chuck Whitehead
Рик Лонер, самопровозглашённый президент Республики Техас, стремясь осуществить утопию, возглавляет ополчение параноиков, чтобы привести Техас к независимости в конце 90-х годов.
Broken Knuckles
A noir action thriller about an amateur MMA fighter who is quickly and unknowingly thrust into the world of a criminal organization.
Sabina, a young girl with a dark past, wakes up in the dungeon of a masked predator. She's been drugged on a blind date and the night promises terror...just as in her past. But when she outwits her captor and escapes half-naked into the night, her dark odyssey truly begins -- she runs into a trio of adventurers who transport her to a wild fetish party, all the while taking her story as just another kinky role-playing game. But when her tormentor show up at the party and tries to claim her as his prize, will anyone save her? And who is he? The man who drugged her and forced himself on her years ago? Her date from earlier that same day? Or are they one in the same and now he's come back to finish what he started? Or is this all a twisted game just so Sabina can have her own revenge? And if it is, who are the players? And who's GETTING PLAYED?
Stratcom Wyoming
Гигантское тело движется к Земле. По расчетам ученых траектория полета такова, что столкновение с землей неизбежно. Пытаясь предотвратить катастрофу, военные пробуют изменить траекторию полета космического тела с помощью невероятного количества ракет. И им это почти удается — метеорит распадается на куски и меняет направление! Но несколько осколков все-таки устремляется к земле…
Sordid Lives
Funeral Guest (uncredited)
"Sordid Lives" is about a family in a small Texas town preparing for the funeral of the mother. Among the characters are the grandson trying to find his identity in West Hollywood, the son who has spent the past twenty-three years dressed as Tammy Wynette, the sister and her best friend (who live in delightfully kitschy homes), and the two daughters (one strait-laced and one quite a bit of a loser).