Curtis Morgan


It is 1889, New Mexico. The gold rush is over and most of the prospectors have moved on. In the middle of nowhere stands a crumbling Antebellum mansion - a bordello that has seen better days. Enoch, the inept pimp, owes a considerable amount of money to the town's psychopathic Sheriff. Money is tight: business is down and the five-woman in the house are tearing each other apart. The only thing they can agree on is their love for Angel, a seven-year-old child whose mother died in childbirth.
The Four Horsemen
Four high school football stars enlist in the Marines and head off to fight in the war in Iraq. When one of them is killed and another wounded, they return home only to find is extremely difficult to pick up the threads of their old lives. The memories of events in Iraq combined with the lack of public support pushes many of these men to the breaking point.
Черный ястреб 2: Зона высадки Ирак
Spc. Tyler Jackson
Они — смелые, отважные бойцы спецподразделения. Они всегда уверенно чувствуют себя в любой переделке. Но враг не дремлет. Он готовит им жестокий отпор. Группа американских солдат попадает в засаду. Чтобы выжить в этой ожесточенной схватке им придется призвать на помощь все свои навыки и умения…