Ruth Hall

Ruth Hall

Рождение : 1910-12-29,

Смерть : 2003-10-09


Ruth Hall


Как выйти замуж за миллионера
Model (uncredited)
Нью-Йорк слезам не верит. Традиционная ситуация: три модели ищут мужей-миллионеров. Для осуществления своих планов девушки снимают шикарную квартиру в элитном районе и начинают осуществлять задуманное. Проходят три месяца — из квартиры продана последняя мебель, а на горизонте — ни одной подходящей партии. К финалу картины страсти накаляются, у двух подруг возникает дилемма: деньги или любовь? Лишь у третьей, на первый взгляд, все складывается хорошо. Но это лишь — на первый взгляд.
The Farmer Takes a Wife
Abbie (uncredited)
Erie Canal, N.Y., 1850: Molly Larkins, cook on Jotham Klore's canal boat, has a love-hate relationship with her boss. She hires handsome new haul-horse driver Dan Harrow and the inevitable triangle develops (complicated by Dan's desire to farm and Molly's to boat) against a background of the canalmen's fight against the encroaching railroad.
Desert Command
Elaine Corday
Tom Wayne rescues Clancy, Renard and Schmidt in the Arabian desert and they join him in going after El Shaitan, a bad guy who is never seen as he tries to wipe out the Foreign Legion. Feature version of the movie serial, The Three Musketeers (1934).
The Old Grey Mayor
Gwendolyn 'Gwennie' McGill
Bob Hope wants to marry the mayor's daughter, but the mayor doesn't want his daughter to marry Bob Hope.
Badge of Honor
Helen Brewster
Hoping to impress a pretty girl he's after, a playboy poses as a newspaperman and goes after a big story.
Patricia Sedley
Story about four generations in a family of musicians.
Murder on the Campus
Ann Michaels
A popular young student finds herself accused of a series of murders that have occurred on the college campus. Her boyfriend, a reporter for the local newspaper, knows she didn't do it, and and sets out to prove her innocence and catch the real killer.
Strawberry Roan
Alice Edwards
Ken Maynard stars as a roving cowboy who tells the tale of taming the stallion that inspired the titular poem.
The Man from Monterey
Dolores Castanares
A cavalry officer helps save a family's ranch from land grabbers
Laughing at Life
Alice Lawton
Easter, a soldier of fortune and gunrunner, leaves his family behind escaping from the authorities and an American detective named Mason. His globe hopping escape leads him finally to South America, where he is hired to organize a band of revolutionaries, unaware that they plan to eliminate him when his job is done. Here, also, he encounters his own son, on track to waste his own life in pursuits similar to Easter's.
The Return of Casey Jones
Nona Winters
Jimmy, a young boy, idolizes famed train engineer Casey Jones and is devastated when his hero is killed in a train wreck. The boy grows up to be a railroad engineer, too, but one day the train he is piloting loses its brakes and wrecks. Jimmy tries to fix it but has to jump off at the last minute. Unfortunately, stories begin to circulate that he turned coward and jumped off the train first, letting it be destroyed rather than try to save it. He sets out to clear his name.
The Three Musketeers
Elaine Corday
Tom Wayne rescues Clancy, Renard and Schmidt in the Arabian desert and they join him in going after El Shaitan, a bad guy who is never seen as he tries to wipe out the Foreign Legion.
Flaming Guns
Mary Ramsey
A ranch manager falls in love with a banker's daughter, but after a quarrel with the girl's parents, flee across the border into Mexico.
The Gambling Sex
Sheila Tracy
A wealthy young socialite gets the gambling bug, and soon it goes from being just a fun pastime to an addiction, and she begins to lose more and more of her fortune.
The Kid from Spain
Anita Gomez
Eddie and his Mexican friend Ricardo are expelled from college after Ricardo put Eddie in the girl's dormitory when he was drunk. Per chance Eddie gets mixed up in a bank robbery and is forced to drive the robbers to safety. To get rid of him they force him to leave the USA for Mexico, but a cop is following him. Eddie meets Ricardo there, Ricardo helps him avoid being arrested by the cop when he introduces Eddie as the great Spanish bullfighter Don Sebastian II. The problem is, the cop is still curious and has tickets for the bullfight. Eddie's situation becomes more critical, when he tries to help Ricardo to win the girl he loves, but she's engaged to a "real" Mexican, who is, unknown to her father, involved in illegal business. While trying to avoid all this trouble, Eddie himself falls in love with his friend's girl friend's sister Rosalie, who also want to see the great Don Sebastian II to kill the bull in the arena.
Honeymoon Beach
Party Girl
Glenn Tryon is at his Bachelor's Dinner, attended only by a dozen of his girl friends, prior to marrying Connie Watts but Ma Watts has plans for Connie to marry playboy Billy Bevan, who is unaware of Ma's intentions, as is Blondie who has plans of her own regarding Billy. The laughs here are only slightly less scarce than the chicken in the boarding house chicken-and-dumplings in "True Grit."
Between Fighting Men
Judy Winters
Ken not only has to fight with his brother Wally over the girls, he has to try and stop the conflict between the cattlemen and the sheepmen. It gets worse when Butch kills Judy's father.
Путешествие в одну сторону
Friend of Joan's (uncredited)
На борту круизного лайнера из Гонконга в Сан-Франциско зарождается любовь между пойманным преступником, которого под конвоем везут в тюрьму Сан-Квентин, где его должны казнить, и неизлечимо больной пассажиркой.
Blessed Event
Miss Bauman
A New York gossip columnist feuds with a singer and enjoys the power of the press.
Ride Him, Cowboy
Ruth Gaunt
John Drury saves Duke, a wild horse accused of murder, and trains him. When he discovers that the real murderer, a bad guy known as The Hawk, is the town's leading citizen, Drury arrested on a fraudulent charge.
Dynamite Ranch
Doris Collins
Howell breaks up a train robbery only to find that it's a fake. However the money is missing and he is blamed. He escapes and sets out to find the real thieves. He must also avoid being caught visiting the Collins ranch to see Doris.
Miss Pinkerton
Paula Brent
Scion of the once-rich Mitchell family, Herbert Wynn is found shot to death. Nurse Adams, bored by hospital routine, is recruited by the police to ferret out clues as she tends to Wynn's elderly aunt Julia. Jokingly given the 'rank' of Miss Pinkerson, after the famous detective agency, Adams probes into the mystery, but not before a second death.
Богатство, которое всегда с нами
Gossiper in 1930 (uncredited)
A wealthy couple's marriage is falling apart due to the man's infidelity. The wife's male friend has long loved her and sees his big opportunity.
The Heart of New York
Lillian Marantz
A poor New York plumber's wife and children hope to move "uptown" from their lower East Side neighborhood after he sells his new invention.
A Fool's Advice
Norma Baker
An elevator operator invents a machine that he believes can help to defeat a corrupt politician in the city's upcoming mayoral election.
Union Depot
Welfare Worker's Charge (uncredited)
Among the travelers of varied backgrounds that meet and interact on one night at Union Depot, a metropolitan train station, are Chick and his friend Scrap Iron, both newly released from prison after serving time for vagrancy. Hungry and desperate for a break, Chick fortuitously comes across across a valise abandoned by a drunken traveler. In it he finds a shaving kit and a suit of clothes with a bankroll, which help transform the affable tramp into a dashing gent. After buying himself a meal, Chick seeks some female companionship among the many hustlers who walk the station. He propositions Ruth Collins, a stranded, out-of-work showgirl and takes her to the station's hotel.
I'll Say She Is
In the office of Mr. Lee, a talent agent, Zeppo bursts through the door, proclaiming to be a great musical actor. He gives a terrible impression of Maurice Chevallier. Chico arrives, also proclaiming to be a great musical talent, and gives an even worse impression of the same musical act. This is followed by Groucho and finally Harpo, all adding to the growing confusion in the office.
Manhattan Parade
Sewing Girl
Director Lloyd Bacon's 1931 drama takes a different look at the Broadway arena by focusing on the owners of a theatrical costume shop.
Local Boy Makes Good
Marjorie Blake
John is a timid student who works at the University Book Store. He is studying to be a botanist and has a secret crush on the lovely Julia. One day, one of his letters gets accidentally mailed and Julia receives it. When the letter says that he is a fraternity man and a big track star, Julia rushes right over to see him. But John is neither and Spike, Julia's boyfriend, is a track star at a nearby College. John does not want to enter the track meet so Julia tries to use psychology on him. That and a good wrestling hold makes John timidly agree to enter the race, but Spike still scares him.
Обезьяньи проделки
Mary Helton
Безбилетные пассажиры, прячась на борту лайнера плывущего в Америку и отчаянно пытаясь избежать встречи с персоналом корабля, оказываются втянутыми в работу хулиганами для двух гангстеров. После приезда в штаты один из гангстеров захватывает дочь другого и теперь все зависит от наших невезучих героев.
Girl at Party (uncredited)
Two brothers, Jack and Tom, are in love with the same woman, Molly. While the two brothers go off to war and Molly does her part in the effort, Tom believes that Rose is waiting for him, while in fact, she loves Jack and only turned to Tom on the rebound. Jack and Molly meet while he is on leave, and when he returns to battle, he doesn't know how to handle the situation with his brother.
Ворота в Ад
Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
Луи Рикарно - редкой смышлености малый. Однажды он организовывает между всеми крупными бандами Чикаго союз, дабы они друг друга не истребили окончательно, благодаря чему, будучи лидером этого преступного альянса, быстро идет в гору, женится и переезжает во Флориду, где начинает написание автобиографии, играет в гольф и входит в высший свет. Увы, в его отсутствие между группировками вновь начинает разгораться вражда, так что вскоре из преступной столицы Луи начинают поступать тревожные вести, на которые он, впрочем, не особо реагирует, упиваясь своей новой шикарной жизнью. Однако он несет ответственность за все происходящее, и вскоре ему об этом не очень деликатно напомнят северные друзья...