Jacob Buster

Jacob Buster

Рождение : 2003-12-02, USA


Born, in 2003, Jacob is a child actor known for his role on suits.


Jacob Buster
Jacob Buster
Jacob Buster


Aliens Abducted My Parents and Now I Feel Kinda Left Out
Itsy is new in town and her life seems over until she meets her space-obsessed neighbor Calvin, who believes his parents were abducted by aliens. An aspiring journalist, Itsy decides to write an exposé on Calvin but ends up discovering much more.
Махнёмся местами. Рождество в Солт-Лейк
Дженнифер живёт в Солт-Лейк-Сити и управляет успешным рестораном, который она открыла вместе со своим покойным мужем, а так же она воспитывает сына, подростка Саймона. Мэг осталась жить в родном городке Хейзелвуд, помогая родителям управлять пекарней. Дженифер и Мэг сёстры, которые на это Рождество встретятся и провернут удивительную авантюру...
Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday
Jennifer and Meg Swift are two sisters who are very close despite living far apart. Jennifer is in Salt Lake City, running a successful restaurant she started with her late husband and raising her teenaged son Simon, Meg stayed in their hometown of Hazelwood, helping their parents run the local bakery.
Рождественский проект 2: Воссоединение
Matthew Buckley
Неуклюжий старшеклассник вынужден вырваться из своей оболочки, когда его заклятый враг по начальной школе возвращается в город и пытается увести его девушку.
Long Haul
Bo, a religious and ultra-conservative teen goes on a cross-country delivery job with his estranged father. On the trip, Bo struggles with his parent's recent divorce and discovering that his father is gay.
Страна рождественских чудес
Tom Westwood
Хайди, которая когда-то уехала из родного города с мечтой стать успешным художником, решила взять паузу в творчестве, чтобы стать искусствоведом. Но всего за неделю до большой рождественской выставки, ей приходится вернуться домой и столкнуться со своим бывшим из школы, Крисом, который теперь стал учителем и пытается организовать ежегодный Снежный Бал. Хайди предлагает свою помощь, и они находят идеальное место для праздника. Чем больше времени Хайди проводит в своём родном городе, тем больше вдохновения она находит для организации праздника и для продолжения своего творчества. Но с приближением Рождества, ей приходится сделать выбор: строить успешную карьеру в большом городе или остаться дома, там, где она нашла своё вдохновение.
The Christmas Project
Matthew Buckley
Even with Christmas around the corner, for the Buckley boys, payback almost always wins out over brotherly love. That is until the four brothers join forces against a common adversary--the Hagbarts, the meanest bullies at their middle school. But now Mom has decided that the Buckley family is going to Elve the Hagbarts this year for Christmas. Eleven-year-old Matthew can hardly stand it. By day the Hagbarts torture the Buckley brothers into submission, and by night the Buckleys secretly deliver Christmas treats and gifts to their sworn enemies. Soon the war of wits escalates to an incredible scheme designed to get the ultimate revenge on the Hagbarts. But now that Matthew has been learning that he's supposed to be good to those who hate him, what will he do when a little push becomes a great big shove?
Saturday's Warrior
Ernie Flinders
A group of siblings comes to earth to experience trials crucial to their eternal progression and learn the true meaning of their existence.
Miracle Maker - A Christmas Tale
Porter Williams
It all starts with one little seed of love."The Miracle Maker is coming!" Everyone in the tiny hamlet is excited when they hear the news that the renowned man of wonders is coming to their village. But the humble traveler who appears isn't what anyone expected. They were looking forward to someone magnificent who would change their lives. But it seems this man can barely take care of himself, let alone fulfill the dreams of others. However, miracles can come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes from unexpected places.
Just Let Go
Sam Williams
After surviving a drunk driving accident that killed his pregnant wife and two kids, Chris Williams struggles to 'just let go' and forgive the young man who caused it.
Lost Boy
Jonathan Harris
When Laura Harris's kidnapped son returns after eleven devastating years, what she thinks will be a dream come true turns out to be a family nightmare.
The Christmas Dragon
Medieval Europe: Father Christmas is a fading memory, after Christmas hasn't come for several years. A young orphan girl, Ayden, receives a magic crystal from a dying elf, with a warning that the North has lost its magic, and that she alone can save Christmas. Ayden and her orphan friends begin a perilous journey and must escape dragons, goblins, bandits, ogres, and other fantasy creatures as they team up with Airk, the wayward son of Father Christmas, to return a stolen Christmas orb to the North. When Santa's magic cannot overpower the growing Snarl (an evil forest with tentacle branches), Ayden and Airk must deliver Christmas on a sleigh pulled by a young dragon, fulfilling Christmas wishes for children to restore Santa's magic and save Christmas.
No Ordinary Shepherd
A young shepherd boy, crippled in an accident considers the significance of the anniversary of the night the Messiah was born. A gentle stranger appears and the boy encounters miracles of his own.
Christmas for a Dollar
Norman Kamp
America is in the midst of the Depression, and the Kamp family is struggling to get by, especially after Mrs. Kamp's untimely death. Now little Ruthie, with her mother gone and her father overwhelmed by doctor bills resulting from her brother's polio, expects another Christmas without presents or festivities. But when her father brings home one dollar in change and lets the children use it to buy special gifts for each other, the Kamps come to find that money isn't what fills Christmas with joy, love, and miracles.
Storm Rider
Jordan Fielding
When her father is put into jail, the spoiled teenager Dani loses everything. Forced to live with her uncle Sam on a farm without horses to ride and to train a sad Dani takes care of a young mule and learns what really counts.