Joel Spira

Joel Spira


Joel Spira


Shame on Dry Land
An anxious former fraudster comes ashore at Malta only to find big trouble among a hedonistic community of Swedish expats.
An episodic relationship comedy written in rhyming verse.
Остров Бергмана
Парочка американских кинематографистов приезжают на шведский остров Форё, где жил и умер режиссер Ингмар Бергман. Они намерены писать сценарии собственных фильмов, но постепенно грань между реальностью и вымыслом начинает стираться.
The Hearing
At the police station, a woman accuses her husband of sexually exploiting children. The frustration and outrage increases when she is not taken seriously. The condensed and emotionally charged atmosphere is evident in an intense and poignant film, where her testimony is pitted against her husbands.
Eleven people, isolated from the outside world, communicate via screens. A son wants to hold the hand of his suffering mother. Love grows. A mother has abandoned her family. A therapist finds himself at the edge of ruin. A daughter connects with her parents.
Come Clean
Mattias is trying to apologise to Anneli for something that he did when they were young.
Into the Darkness
Karlskov is a self made, successful owner of a large electronics factory, has a wife and five children. They live the good, privileged upper-class life on Strandvejen north of Copenhagen when the Nazis occupy Denmark in April 1940. Karl struggles to continue production at the factory, but to protect his family and employees he reluctantly begins to produce for the German market. It brings him into a controversial collaboration with the occupying power and causes painful breaks in the family.
The Adventures of Halvdan Viking
Halvdan is not a proper Viking. He's having a limp and is regarded by the other kids as a strange loner with no friends, except for the village blacksmith Björn who's taken care of him since Halvdan's father left on a plundering trip. Across the mighty river there's an enemy village that has been in a feud with Halvdan's tribe for as long as anyone can remember. One day during Halvdan's lonely excursions to the river he encounters Meia, the daughter of the enemy village ruler. A heart-warming and funny family adventure about bridging differences and forbidden friendship unfolds
Beck 38 - The Devil's Advocate
Paul Beijer
The murder of a restaurant owner who is gunned down in front of a diner full of customers has unexpected repercussions for Alex, whose brother, Paul, represented two men expected of involvement in the killing. Meanwhile, Steinar, amidst tension with Alex and the breakdown of his marriage, accepts the offer of a transfer from Klas.
Innan vintern kommer
A family on a small farm tries to live as usual even though there is a violent coup in the country. The threat is constantly present.
Small Town Killers
The two tradesmen Ib and Edward are tired of their lifeless marriages and dream of living the good life from the stash of money they've earned moonlighting for years. After a huge fight with their wives the two men get drunk and hire a Russian contract killer to do a hit on their spouses. But they have badly underestimated their wives, and this becomes the start of an absurd journey where Ib and Edward to their own horror end at the top of a kill list.
Under the Pyramid
Young art gallerist Katarina's dad suddenly goes missing. It turns out that her dad, a prominent art dealer, is kidnapped in Egypt by his former smuggle partner, who has been released due to the Arab spring. To save her father, Katarina has to find the hidden statue that the kidnapper demands as ransom.
Satisfaction 1720
André Sicre
Set in the year 1720, the story is about what happens to 29-year-old Tordenskiold when the Great Northern War ends and he doesn't know what to do with the rest of his life. His trusted valet persuades him to go on a European ‘road trip’ to search for a bride.
In Darkness
A closed psychiatric ward somewhere in Denmark. The doors are locked, the windows impossible to break. Alex is running down the corridor, towards the light, but precisely as she is about to reach freedom, she is swept away. Dragged away. Strapped down. Medicated. But to Alex surrender is not an option. In Darkness is a story about a woman's raging struggle against a system in the process of destroying her.
Experienced male actors are called to an audition. During the screen test, they realise that the female director is looking for something they are unwilling to expose. A humorous and masterful depiction of power structures and male defense mechanisms.
Dangerous Dreams
Jon Hallman
Puck’s new boss turns out to be a control freak, who isolates everyone from the outside world. After a strange death, Puck calls on detective Wijk.
Stockholm Stories
Jessicas chef
The lives of five seemingly unrelated lost souls intertwine in Sweden’s chilly capital in this delicate and wryly funny ensemble film. A precocious yet untalented young writer, a friendless advertising genius, a tight-lipped workaholic, a shy upper-class boy with a secret crush, and a recently dumped young woman all come to realize hard truths about love and life over the course of several days.
Шальные деньги: Стокгольмский нуар
После трех лет заключения Ю. В. получает первую «увольнительную», но обстоятельства складываются так, что вернуться за решетку он уже не может… Скрывающийся от правосудия чилиец Хорхе планирует мега-сделку с кокаином, которая должна обогатить его раз и на всегда, но жизнь вносит жестокие коррективы в его план… Сумка с принадлежащими югославской мафии 10 миллионами крон путешествует по Стокгольму, переходя из рук в руки и оставляя за собой кровавый след…
A man is held hostage by a criminal in a car.
Life, Lust & Longing
Kristin visits her gynecologist for a check-up. With two failed IVF attempts behind her, she longs for a child more than ever. Life, Lust & Longing tells Kristins story through a series of flashbacks. Starting at the age of 4, we follow her life through various stages right up to the present day.
About Lillemor Östlin in the 60s and 70s. Her downfall from the glamorous Stockholm nightlife to drug addiction, crime and prostitution.
People with No Significance
In a media world where hungry people are anguished over the demand to "be somebody", Magnus is nobody.
Шальные деньги
Стокгольмский таксист, решивший подработать, соглашается на предложение своего босса начать торговать кокаином. Постепенно в дело оказываются замешаны югославская мафия, сбежавший из тюрьмы латиноамериканец, на эту мафию работавший, и серб, мечтающий покончить с криминальной жизнью.
Travemünde Trelleborg
David is a drummer supported by unemployment benefit, disappointed that life didn't turn out the way he planned. Now he's on the night ferry from Germany with three thousand ecstasy tablets taped onto his torso. The plan is to sell the pills in Sweden in order to get enough money to start all over somewhere else. But when David meets his first love Sara in the all you can eat buffet, he starts to question the course his life is taking.