Jens Schütte


Эрнст всю жизнь жил по правилам, которые диктовал ему крайне религиозный отец. У него никогда не было друзей, он не общался с женщинами и даже не праздновал свой день рождения. Поддавшись на уговоры заядлого тусовщика Тилля, Эрнст всё же решает наплевать на Божью кару и отпраздновать сорокалетие ради пообещанного лишения девственности с гостьей по имени Нокта. В начале вечеринки его ждут крепкие алкогольные напитки и толпа незнакомцев, среди которых можно найти чернокожего мусульманина, братьев-нацистов и девушку с фонтаном из месячных. Но это только начало, и он даже не догадываться, что что-то ещё может пойти не так.
Baggerführer Bob
Bob is a stereotype of a construction worker. He's not particularly hard-working and his thoughts are only on food and women. His hard-working boss, the site manager, doesn't like that at all. While working with his excavator, Bob comes across an old bomb. When he tries to retrieve it, there is an explosion and Bob inexplicably gets into the hostile time of the Nazi regime, somehow just tries to get back to today and has to survive a lot...
Blutschrei der Verdammten
Executioner Runkel wins the prince's favorite wife in a game of chance. However, the prince misses his wife so much that he demands her back. A bloody battle breaks out.
Помогите, я мертва
Jonathan Friedberg
Германия, 1939 год. Фермер Йонатан Фридберг пытается скрыть от нацистов свою азиатку-жену и ребенка. Но предатель доносит на них, что приводит к трагедии... 75 лет спустя, девушка-инвалид, являющаяся студенткой психологического факультета, работая над своим исследованием, проникает в заброшенный дом. Она обнаруживает странное влияние этого дома и решает изучить его получше. В этот момент, в дом с целью укрыться от полиции, проникают преступники, которые совсем не хотят, чтобы их обнаружили...
Die Rückkehr der Gabelstaplerfahrer
Forklift driver Klaus returns - Now the boss has to drive. The chaos continues to take its course!!! Due to food poisoning, many workers are down in the company. After a long search for new forklift drivers, the boss himself goes as a teacher on the forklift and thus makes " the buck to the gardener ".No idea of the technology , no safety measures and in addition coke comes into play. The colleagues, girls and the daily work routine offer enough distraction and provide for bumps, accidents and funerals on the continuous line.
Turbo Zombi - Tampons of the Dead
Julien Assonge
Aliens have landed on Earth! They are in search of fresh blood! The aliens have chosen female menstruation as their main food source. No "Bloody Mary" is safe from the intergalactic vampires! But a fearless troop under the leadership of the village idiot Jockel Rangebumm faces the monsters! True to the motto: "You want blood? Then come and get it!" the astro-zombies are properly heated up!
Johannes is seriously wounded during a battle in World War I and wakes up weeks later in the care of an attractive woman who leads a hermit existence and has nursed him back to health. He falls in love with the pretty woman named Levizia and soon realizes that there are some things that are not right with her. Soon after, Johannes, who has no memory of his past, is wanted as a deserter and has to flee together with Levizia. Piece by piece Levizia confronts him with the fact that his life was completely different before and that she should never love him. A confrontation with her pursuers and the compulsion of her destiny seems to become inevitable.
Bloody Dreams
After his last successful films, Oliver Krekel would like to try short films. His buddy Marc writes the stories for him. After every story written and every conversation with Oliver, strange things happen at Marc's home. Is it just dreams or is it reality? He can barely tell the difference and it's only getting worse.