Kyôichi Hara


The Great Duel
A cynical samurai is left as the sole survivor to fulfil a plot to assassinate the puppet of a villain intent on usurping the shogunate in the 17th century. A Shogunate Elder connives to rule Japan by making his puppet, the Shogun's brother Tsunashige, the next Shogun. The best strategist in Japan, Yamaga, leads a plot to stop the Elder, but his cabal is betrayed and most of the conspirators are captured and tortured.
Kisaragi Sword
Samurai A
The story concerns the efforts of seven master swordsman who join together to protect the new inexperienced Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune from the evil plans of the Owari Clan's corrupt Lord. It's a colorful bunch, a drunk samurai, a master thief, a sword instructor and a Lord who is disguised as a ronin since it is an executable offense for a lord to wander outside of their domain without permission. As the Chief Magistrate becomes suspicious of the Owari plot to send men to Kodenmacho Prison to start a riot he begins to investigate the rumors. He soon calls upon the Lord of Mikazuki Castle and the Shogun's best friend to help thwart the evil ambitions and battle the rouge swordsman hired by the Owari Clan.
Bloody Account of Jirocho: Raid on the Road
Bloody Account of Jirocho: Duel at Akiba
Early film by Eiichi Kudô.
The Medicine Case
Magistrate Ooka-Echizen faces a crime over a pillbox.
Drenched Swallow Gonpachi
This is the story of Gonpachi, a ronin who falls in love with the daughter of a man he had killed many years before.
Перевал Дайбосацу 2: Души в лунном свете
Потерявший зрение Цукуэ Рёноскэ продолжает свои скитания и встречает князя Камио Сюдзэна. Последний, убедившись на собственном опыте в мастерстве странствующего самурая, решает использовать его в качестве убийцы в своих интересах.
Sasaki Kojiro, Part 2
The conclusion of the story of famed swordsman, Sasaki Kojiro. After surviving a series of daring adventures, Kojiro seems to have finally discovered the ultimate happiness in life when he is reunited with Tone, the love of his life. However, his days of happiness are overshadowed by an upcoming duel with his fateful enemy Miyamoto Musashi.
Окровавленное копьё на горе Фудзи
Молодой самурай, вместе с двумя своими слугами, совершает путешествие в Эдо. Длинная дорога, череда проносящихся образов — бездомный мальчик-сирота, странствующая танцовщица с дочерью, старик, собирающийся продать свою дочь, вор, орудующий на дороге, инспектор, разыскивющий его — хорошо прописанные, достоверные характеры, жизненные ситуации, полные чувства, временами печальные, временами смешные. Венчает все великолепный, полный драматизма и эмоционального накала, жестокий финал.
Merciless Blade Part 2
The second film in the 1953 trilogy based on the long novel series The Great Bodhisattva Pass.
Fencing Master
Swordfighting instructor Danpei works at a local theater in Tokyo, instructing the actors how to fight realistically.