Director of Photography
As the name suggests, the movie is about football. It is not about big league soccer, making huge money. It is about football, which lives just from village fans enthusiasm, from the enthusiasm of fathers and their sons and club officials. And yet on this battlefield, where the pub and silent household alternates, it is often about everything: friends, family, the meaning of life. It is about playing fair, but also about fighting below the belt. It is about winning, but also about falling into the abyss of the league wilderness.
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Young prisoner Jan, nicknamed Roughboy (Petr Cepek), tries to commit suicide. He was imprisoned for a fight in which he injured a functionary of the National Committee and for stealing material but actually by the blame for this crime was pinned on him by the road-builders in whose group he worked. The prison doctor knows that Jan is an emotionally deprived person who never knew his parents and spent all his childhood - except one year with foster-parents - in orphanages, homes for youth and reform schools. He arranges a five-day holiday for Jan, who wants to find his mother's grave.
Camera Operator
Showing his own original footage of Prague Spring, director Evald Schorm describes the atmosphere these days in 1968.
An overprotective mother plagues her daughter out of guilt over unintentionally scarring her daughter's cheek.
Director of Photography
Princess Julia doesn't want to marry an old prince Hubert so she runs away from home. She meets two old magicians and join the circus, where she meets lovely Franta Kuldan and evil devil performer.
The story of a music academy student Zdenek, who meets a charming girl, and without realizing also gets a son with her. Dealing with such a situation is not easy, especially when one day the child's mother disappears. Twenty year old Zdenek faces a serious decision. Although he is aware that a child may endanger his studies and perhaps even future career, he refuses to entrust him to the care of the state institution.
At the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries Boleslav's kingdom fell apart in the fratricidal war between the Přemyslovci and the other clans the main profiteer of this being the German emperor. At that time it seemed as if the Czech state and the lineage of its princes was awaiting its end..." It is with these words that the tale of this film begins, whose narrative is based upon the the play by František Hrubín of the same name.
Director of Photography
It is a story of three veterans released from the army. During one night spent camping in the country they one by one wake up and meet three elvish brothers. Each of the veterans is given a magic item - one gets magic harp that provides him with servants by wish, other one endless pouch of gold and the last one owns magic hat that can create all the staff excluding money and people.
Director of Photography
This movie is based on texts of Bohumil Hrabal, world-known Czech prosaic. It's a story (in a form of a mosaic of short episodes and pictures) about the sadness and happiness of inhabitants of Kersko (Kersko is a small woody area full of cottages and roods). These people are both simple and sensitive, they have their own pleasures (e.g. Leli is a collector of cheap, but inutile things) and the greatest delight of all of them is a hunting. Crude poetics of amateur hunting is screened by dreamy pictures of this area. Menzel mixes sentimental lyricism and rough (but not vulgar!) humor and the outcome is the never-ending landscape of continuous life in the proximate nearness of nature. The performances of actors are brilliant. Both Rudolf Hrusinsky as a Franz and Jaromír Hanzlik as a Leli have nonrecurring charm bottomed on a pain and inebriation. Only the music is not perfect: Jiri Sust usually assembled his film music from his older works and in this movie there is many quotations.
Director of Photography
Two aliens stir up trouble on Earth in order to study humans. Misunderstandings ensue.
Director of Photography
Режиссер и хореограф из Праги готовят шоу-представление «Восточная сказка» - балет на льду с участием вокально-инструментальных ансамблей и эстрадных певцов. Съемки своей картины они проводят в Казахстане на высокогорном катке Медео.
Director of Photography
Продолжение противостояния двух соседских чешских семей - Нова́ков и Барта́чеков. Обе семьи все ещё на тропе войны, хотя в последнее время интенсивность столкновений несколько ослабла. Рене, сын Нова́ков, подаёт родителям идею, как добиться того, о чём они говорят всё время, - быстрого и безработного обогащения. Они решают создать фиктивный клуб Novaks, в который каждый заинтересованный в членстве должен отправить 5 крон регистрационного взноса. Конечно, бурная деятельность Нова́ков не ускользнет от Барта́чеков, но им не до того. Пан Барта́чек получает известие о прибытии из Америки своей тёти Розы, и начнет строить планы, как бы раскрутить её на солидный денежный чек. Единственные, кто не участвует в погоне за золотым тельцом, - это Рене и племянница Барта́чеков Надя, которые влюблены друг в друга и, кажется, даже готовятся повторить трюк с фиктивной свадьбой из первой части. Только на этот раз уже по-настоящему.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Third movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Second movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Director of Photography
First movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Director of Photography
Пан Кроупа, работающий на заводе сельскохозяйственных машин, очень хочет занять должность оператора новой линии в специально для нее строящемся цеху. Однако, у него есть серьезный конкурент — пан Гуер. Который пытается добиться ее всеми правдами и неправдами. Проблема, тем не менее, в том, что ни тот, ни другой эту должность получить не могут. Поскольку у них обоих нет среднего образования, что является непременным условием.
Director of Photography
Exotic, yet lyrically aimed fairy tale about a young gypsy Pista in search of a beautiful, gentle and faithful bride. An old man told him where to find a girl with those qualities, so Pista sets out on a journey to find the girl of his dreams without knowing that she is special: an hour a day human and rest of the day a chicken...
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Герой народной сказки является молодой принц, который после смерти родителей, отправился путешествовать. В своем путешествии узнал магию лошади, и встретился с прекрасной принцессой Slavěna. По совету своей лошади закрыл повязкой один глаз, и устроился в замок, где жила принцесса, садовником. Сказал принц, что зовут его Баяя. Но однажды появился дракон, и сказал, чтобы ему в жёны отдали принцессу, или он уничтожит целое королевство. Принц Bajaja одел броню на себя и своего коня, и поехал спасать принцессу. Он спас принцессу, но с поля битвы уехал не узнанным. Об этом узнал Черный рыцарь, и под угрозой применения силы взял клятву, что тот, кто спасёт принцессу, станет её мужем. Победу принца Баяя выдал за свою…
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Comedy with fairy-tale touches, about Kate, who wants to marry, and Mr. Devil, who is not interested in the heart or soul of this passionate and aging lady, but is interested in her good cooking – for Mr. Devil is a glutton.
Comedy with fairy-tale touches, about Kate, who wants to marry, and Mr. Devil, who is not interested in the heart or soul of this passionate and aging lady, but is interested in her good cooking – for Mr. Devil is a glutton.
Camera Operator
In the aftermath of World War II, a soldier takes charge of a manor formerly owned by a German family and falls in love with the daughter, now a maid. Their relationship forces him to confront the tension between his love and his conscience.
Camera Operator
Prague - mystical city. It was here in the Middle Ages, alchemists and magicians gathered. Rumor has it that the house of Prague hide secret obtain the philosopher's stone, and complex multi-level labyrinth of underground tunnels and cellars keep many unsolved mysteries and untold treasures. Prague just full of ghosts and phantoms. Let us slightly lift the veil that hides the secrets and little to satisfy your curiosity, get acquainted with some legends of Prague.
Camera Operator
A black comedy set in a Prague cabaret.
Camera Operator
Cast out by his father, young Ondrej joins the Order of the Teutonic Knights, where he is raised by strict monk Armin. After years of hardship, Ondrej escapes from the Order when he is wrongly punished, and sets out for his former home. Arriving to discover his father to be dead, Armin now not only assumes control of his fathers properties, but seeks to marry his former stepmother.
Camera Operator
Бухгалтер пан Фоустка совершенно неожиданно получает задание захватить материал фантастической ценности - микрофильм плана использования Венеры в военных целях. За этим микрофильмом охотится знаменитый агент одной державы. Его позывной - "W4C". Пану Фоустка надо его опередить и во чтобы то ни стало захватить микрофильм…
Director of Photography
A troupe of young women on post-apocalyptic earth are lead around by a mistress born before the war, eventually stumbling into the company of a lonely old man.
Assistant Camera
Oldrich is the runt of his village, beaten by his father, bullied by the other boys. But he has imagination of his side, and a wiry toughness they can’t defeat. The village is in turmoil, because the Nazi occupiers have just retreated and the Red Army is advancing. Oldrich dodges amid the mayhem and panic, taking his share of blows but always managing to stay one step ahead. Beautifully shot and darkly ironic, Karel Kachyna’s forgotten masterpiece jumbles reality, memory and fantasy to capture the intensity and confusion of childhood in a war zone.
Director of Photography
Fati Farari, a black man from Africa, is completing his studies in classical piano at the Music Academy of Prague. It's the day before his first solo concert, where he is going to play Bach. While he strolls around the city he is thinking, not so much about the concert as about himself, both as a lonely foreigner and as a human being in cosmos. Here and there he encounters some racist comments, but mostly he just feels the weight of social exclusion because of his otherness, especially when it comes to women. On the morning of the day for his concert the embassy informs him that his whole family has perished. He feels totally broken, although he thinks that everyone holds some pain inside. His piano teacher, a professor at the Academy, looks him up, and tells him that he heard what has happened. The professor advises him to communicate his feelings that evening by using his Bach.
Assistant Camera
Assistant Camera
The story is about Harold, an isolated figure in an overwhelming world of totalitarian bureaucracy. Harold tries to find the elusive Joseph Kilian, an old acquaintance, in Prague. When Harold stumbles across a state-run cat-lending store, he impulsively rents a feline for the day. Later, he attempts to return the cat and finds that the store no longer exists. Now with a furry companion, Harold continues his search for Kilian. Written and directed by Pavel Juracek, this 40 minute film effectively aims its allegorical shots at personality cults and the absurdities of a totalitarian regime.
Assistant Camera
A film in five episodes, all based on an attempt to show the life of young people today, their feelings and relationships, their behaviour in public and private life.
Assistant Camera
Фильм в котором параллельно показаны истории жизни двух женщин: гимнастки на вершине спортивной карьеры и замужней женщины, воспитывающей ребенка и занимающейся домашним хозяйством.
Assistant Camera
Assistant Camera
По роману Ариошта Люстига "Ночь и надежда".
О еврейском гетто, созданном фашистами в чехословацком городке Терезине, о том, как была арестована подпольная типография, а виновные вместе с очередным эшелоном отправлены в Освенцим.