Johanna Lazcano

Johanna Lazcano


Johanna Lazcano


Beck 44 - Rage Room
Åsa Karlsson
A man is found brutally murdered at a running track in the woods. At the same time, Josef resumes the relationship with a former girlfriend from school, Cissi, whose father recently died of a sudden heart attack during a robbery. Josef goes against Alex's directive and begins an unofficial investigation into Cissi's father's death, which puts him in a complicated conflict situation.
Береговой всадник
Полицейский из Фьёлльбаке Патрик и его жена, писательница Эрика вновь расследуют преступление, корни которого уходят в прошлое. На этот раз в очень далекое прошлое.
A Breach in the Wall
Lars interrupts his studies in mathematics at Uppsala University. Instead he takes a job as a teacher in an industrial community. When he discovers that one of his students is a mathematical genius, his desire for studies awakens.