Отдыхая в небольшом приморском поселке, Аочи, профессор немецкого языка, вызволяет Накасаго, своего бывшего коллегу. Того преследует разъяренная толпа, обвиняя в соблазнении и убийстве жены рыбака. В дело вмешивается полиция, но Аочи ручается за друга, предотвращая его арест. По поводу встречи устраивается ужин, во время которого им танцует гейша О-Инэ, только что похоронившая брата. Полгода спустя Аочи посещает друга и потрясен, обнаружив, что его жена, родом из приличной семьи, как две капли воды похожа на гейшу О-Инэ…
There is a girl who is a student at a tailoring school. She has a friend who has a boyfriend and is always having sex. She herself, however, remains a virgin. She sees her brother masturbating one day. She asks her friend to have sex with her brother. Her friend asks her to spread it for her older brother in exchange. It is a deal and the four go on a hike.
Roman Porno from 1976.
Tokuko Watanabe plays Hikaru, a female teacher at an all boy's high school. Yata is a mysterious student who transfers from another school. Seemingly, he's the younger brother of a boy who com-mitted suicide because of an obsession with teacher Hikaru. Obviously, as these stories go, Yata wants to avenge his brother's death. So one day, he recruits two more boys and the three of them rape Hikaru on the roof of the school. At first, the violated teacher shrugs off the incident with a "boys will be boys" altitude. But then, when she realizes revenge was the motive, she stalks them before they can do any more damage.
Akira and Hiroshi are two lowlives who hang around pachinko parlours. Hiroshi is a ladies' man but always loses at pachinko. Akira is a virgin at 25 but always wins. Hiroshi tries to get Akira laid with little success but things change when Akira is informed of a 88 million yen inheritance.