Louis Pré Fils

Louis Pré Fils

Рождение : 1884-03-03, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France

Смерть : 1970-07-20


Louis Pré Fils


Debout là-dedans!
A student monitor in a high school in the French provinces has no control over the pupils. He is in love with the caretaker's daughter but his superior, the Dean of Discipline, is also his love rival. Now, the two men are sent on military temporary duty and irony has it that in the Army the Dean is only a private whereas the mere supervisor's rank is ... corporal!
La Dame de chez Maxim's
Dr. Lucien Petypon is usually a serious man, but, drawn by his friend Corignon, he once paints the town red at Maxim's. When he wakes up late the next morning, he finds the scantily clad Môme Crevette, a dancer at the famous Paris restaurant, by his side. It is the moment General Petypon du Grêlé, Lucien's rich uncle, chooses to make an unexpected visit. The good doctor has no other choice but to pass Crevette off as his lawful wife.
Theodore and Company
Chénérol, a wealthy merchant, one day discovers that his wife is having an affair and that his nephew is playing with him. Indeed, the latter, Théodore, does not work but earns money by using a few dirty tricks.
July 14
Le bourgeois (uncredited)
A light, comedy romance about a cab driver named Jean and a flower girl named Anna that takes place in Paris during the Bastille day celebration of July 14th.
That scoundrel Morin
Life is so dull in a quiet little neighborhood that gossips, eager for some kind of scandal to brighten things up, imagine their haberdasher has been having quite a raunchy sex life.
La prison en folie
Loïc de Gouriadec
The cushion pad
Cochu, a simple soldier, is mistakenly believed to be a rich heir which causes many problems.
Под крышами Парижа
Le locataire du troisième (uncredited)
Уличный певец Альбер и Пола любят друг друга, хотя Пола любит пофлиртовать и с его лучшим другом Луи. Когда Альбер оказывается в тюрьме за преступление, которого он не совершал, уже ничто не мешает Поле и Луи отдаться взаимному влечению. Альбера освобождают, он приходит в ярость, узнав о романе Полы и его лучшего друга. То, до чего вся троица, в конечном счете, договаривается — совершенная неожиданность для зрителя.
Новые господа
Bit Part
По одноименной пьесе Робера де Флера и Франсиса де Круассе. Балерина парижской "Оперы" Сюзанна Верье - содержанка графа де Монтуара-Гранпре; кроме того, ее добивается электрик театра Жак Гайак. Начинается забастовка работников транспорта, и Гайак оказывается одним из лидеров левого лагеря. Его избирают в депутаты, назначают министром, и Сюзанна становится его любовницей. Пока Гайак участвует в важном мероприятии в провинции, граф де Монтуар-Гранпре производит переворот в министерстве, и правые силы возвращаются к власти. По инциативе графа Гайак принимает пост в Лиге наций. Сюзанна понимает, что для Гайака карьера всегда будет важнее любви, и возвращается к своему старому другу.
Souris d'hôtel
Norbert Clavel
A Film Albatros production based on the play by Paul Armont and Marcel Gerbidon.
Two Timid Souls
A cousin (as Pré fils)
Garadoux has beaten his wife. His lawyer Fremissin is young and very shy, and therefore, not very efficient... Two years after, Garadoux is trying to seduce Cecile, but she prefers Fremissin...
The Italian Straw Hat
Cousin Bobin
On the day of Fadinard's wedding, his horse eats a lady's hat on a bush at the roadside, while the lady is hidden behind the bush with her lover Lieutenant Tavernier. Because she is married, she cannot return home hatless without being compromised, and Tavernier orders Fadinard to replace the hat with one exactly like it - or else he will wreck his new home. In an elaborate sequence of complications, Fadinard tries to find a hat while keeping to his marriage schedule
The Duke's Motto
The Prince of Gonzague kills the Duke of Nevers and tries to marry his widow, Aurore de Nevers, so he can get his hand on his fortune. The Chevalier Lagardère takes the child Irène de Nevers with him to Spain only to return disguised as a hunchback years later to unmask the Prince for the villain he is.
The Crazy Ray
Le détective
A night watchman on the Eiffel Tower wakes up to find the entire population of the city frozen in place.
L'affaire de la rue de Lourcine
Le docteur Potard
Back from an alcohol-fueled evening, two former high school friends wake up and find they may have murdered a female coal-dealer.
Jim Bougne, boxeur
M. Bolard
A la gare...
Vingt ans après
Charming Mimi-Trottin is in love with typographer Louis Chausson, nicknamed Godasse. She meets Doudou, actually a Vicomte, estranged with his parents who are rich automobile manufacturers. Godasse abandons Mimi because of his professional ambitions and Doudou rescues her from a suicide. After making peace with his parents, the young man has Mimi hired as a typist at the factory. After winning a race with one of his father's car, he soon wins the heart and the hand of Mimi.
Три мушкетёра
Grimaud (as Pre Fils)
Экранизация одноимённого романа Александра Дюма. Решив стать королевским мушкетером, д'Артаньян осуществляет свою мечту, отправляясь в Париж, где встречает Атоса, Портоса и Арамиса, с которыми он сорвет все заговоры, чтобы спасти королеву и прогнать англичан из Ла-Рошели... (Киносериал из 14 эпизодов).
The Janitor's Tea Party
(as Pré Fils)
The scene of the drama is a block of modern flats. Many of the residents are away at a dance, and the janitor and his staff decide upon a jollification of their own. They invite their friends to a fine high tea. Everybody is having a fine time, and their spirits are running high. We are now taken to the outside of the hall door, and watch with amusement the frantic pounding and bell ringing of the residents returning from their evening engagements and seeking admission to their apartments. The gay gathering inside are too busy with their own pleasure to heed the angry crowd outdoors. A policeman is called, but all to no purpose, and the tenants are all taken to the station for quarters for the night. Returning to the janitor's quarters we see that the jollifications have been concluded and the guests are all departing. The superior officer at the station concludes to make another effort to gain admittance in the building and, with the tenants at his heels, he approaches the flats.