This collection of black and white 8mm loops from yesteryear begins with a fun-but-minor excursion into the nudie stag films of the ‘50s and ‘60s featuring British pin-up June Palmer. The rest of the vintage loops contained on NUDE IN DRACULA'S CASTLE are of your average Girl-Strips-Down-On-Bed-And-Gyrates variety. (
Comic look at the history of prostitution.
Health Club Girl
A lonely 'Stay-at-Home' Housewife is being watched every night through the bathroom window by a 'Peeping Tom', who is being put up to it by his friend. She eventually finds out and gets her revenge on them.
Girl in Steam Room
Joanna Lumley and Penny Brahms star as notorious prostitutes Fanny Hill and Lady Chatterley faced with the challenge of seducing the seemingly impossible in this 1970s sex comedy
Redhead Prostitute
Один торговец стал свидетелем кончины Дракулы и собрал немного крови и кое-что из принадлежащих ему вещей. В магической церемонии молодой человек из британской знати, изгнанный отцом из благородного семейства за проведение сатанинских ритуалов пытается оживить Дракулу, выпивая его кровь. Дракула поднимается, но цена воскрешения — жизнь его благодетеля лорда Кортли.
The Girlfriend (segment "The Stone Age")
A man attempts to deal with the bevy of naked beauties who have been bothering his family for generations.
A crazed butler harasses a semi-clad woman in a hotel.