Édouard Hardoux


Ne sois pas jalouse
An idle and very jealous woman sets a trap for her husband by luring him to an appointment to which she goes herself. But the faithful husband sends one of his friends there. He falls in love with the young woman.
The Blaireau Case
In broadside
La Maison jaune de Rio
When a criminal named King Fu who has terrorized a city substitutes himself for a stage actor who looks like him, the staff and spectators at that night's show think the actor is giving an unusually good performance.
Princesse Masha
Piotre Ivanoff
A baby is abandoned near the Neva in St. Petersburg 1890. A teacher picks it up and takes the little girl. 20 years pass, Masha (Claudia Victrix) flee Russia because her father conspired against the Tsarist regime and is in the attention of the dangerous General Bourgassoff (Jean Toulout) . She goes to study medicine in Paris....