Jean Coste


The Sunday of Life
After five years in the army, Valentin Brû marry a haberdasher. They move to Paris, where Valentin sells frames, while his wife becomes fortune teller. One day, Valentin replaces her, and predict a terrible event which will happen.
Захват власти Людовиком ХIV
Людовику XIV было всего пять лет, когда умер его отец. Вдовствующая королева Анна считалась правительницей Франции, но фактически всеми делами вершил ее фаворит — кардинал Мазарини. Людовик во всем послушно следовал его указаниям. Но едва Мазарини не стало, король тут же освободился от всякой опеки. Он созвал Государственный совет и объявил, что отныне будет править единолично…
Check on the King
Jeanne De Pincret refuses to marry Viscount Haussy De Villefort, having discovered his frivolity. After a duel against the Duke De Montgobert, whom Louis XIV recommended to Jeanne, the king forced De Villefort to marry Jeanne, then sent her to war. Separated from her husband, Jeanne discovers that she loves him.
À minuit, le 7
A young journalist hungry for scoop lets himself be suspected of a crime to write a report.
Wine Cellars
Wine Cellars itself is a Spanish-French co-production. He shot the film in the Paris studios and also in Spain, Andalusia and Seville. According to the critics, his story of love, honour, revenge, bulls and vineyards masterfully captures the spirit of this region, the sun beating down on the parched earth, life on the farms and vineyards and the celebrations coloured by the famous flamenco dance. Wine Cellars was originally a silent film and its soundtrack was only added later.