Первый венгерский шпионский фильм «Огонь» режиссера Имре Апатии срывал маску с тех министерских чиновников, которые, продавшись иностранным агентам, саботировали восстановление венгерских заводов и фабрик, разрушенных войной. В картине шпионы и диверсанты с полными бумажниками долларов и пистолетами в руках поджигали венгерские заводы. Бывший господствующий класс неохотно уступал свое место в жизни, и с ним приходилось бороться не на жизнь, а насмерть.
Балинт Зеке, старый честный деревенский мельник, оставляет свою водяную мельницу Анне, своей единственной дочери, в то время как завещание также предусматривает, что мельница будет управляться Матиасом Форинтосом, молодым мельником, которого он воспитывал с самого раннего детства и относится к нему как к собственному сыну. Двое молодых людей, похоже, «все равно нравятся друг другу», и их брак сделает старика счастливым.
You can get anywhere in a tailcoat. Viktor Norton, a young man imprisoned by mistake, also knows this. In Viktor’s tailcoat, he can easily get to the Excelsior Hotel, where he will meet the newly wealthy Dupont couple and their daughter Marie.
Dömötör, a headwaiter, and Rudi, his friend, a conductor, are dismissed. Later, they return as guests. Dömötör is seen sporting a false beard, now the spitting image of count Rod-Igor Su-Arezew, the world-famous lion-hunter.
Mr. White
The young, immature Zsuzsa Várkonyi becomes the president of the Várkonyi Textile Factory. When the managing director proposes to her, she tells him she is in love with a young engineer who she doesn't really know anything about.
Bedő úr
Lillian Garson, a woman of noble English ancestry who is married to a commoner, has written a letter to her husband, ending their marriage.
Theatre Manager
A middle-aged magician is in love with his beautiful young assistant. She, on the other hand, is in love with the magician's young protege, who turns out to be a bum and a thief.
Gustav (as Gus Partos)
Marjorie, a song-and-dance girl in the stage show of a palatial movie theater, becomes interested in Al West, a warehouse clerk who has put together an unusual jazz band, and uses her influence to get him a place on one of the programs. Max Mindel, the house manager, has a yen for Marjorie and, discovering that she is in love with Al, gives the band notice and hires harmony singers Barney & Bey as a replacement. Marjorie makes up to both men and soon breaks up the team. Al learns of her scheme, however, and makes her confess to the singers. Barney and Bey make up, and Max gives Al and his band one more chance. Al is a sensation, and Max offers him a contract for $1,000 a week.
romantic gentleman
Two lonely people in the big city meet and enjoy the thrills of an amusement park, only to lose each other in the crowd after spending a great day together. Will they ever see each other again?
Shopkeeper (as Gus Partos)
A present-day stereotypically-Irish American politician is vaulted into ancient Greece after receiving a bump on the head.
Arsene Lupin
Arsene Lupin mystery