Bean Miller


A black ops unit goes to middle east after a terrorist. They are betrayed and their operative is caught. Later, unit leader starts an investigation. Meanwile the enemy offers the operative a chance for revenge against his superiors.
Storm Catcher
A renegade general plots to bomb Washington using a new top secret jet called the Storm Catcher. The only trouble is only one man is capable of flying it. So they seek to put him on the run in a conspiracy that makes him appear to have murdered several men and stolen the plane. Then try to murder his wife and take his daughter prisoner. Threatening to kill his daughter if he doesn't help, he appears trapped. However, his best friend who is the plane's computer specialist has a few tricks up his sleeve.
Космический джем
Player #3
Мультмонстры с планеты «Гора придурков» вторгаются на Землю, желая захватить персонажей популярного анимационного сериала «Looney Toons». Земные зверюшки во главе с кроликом Багзом Банни предлагают на спор сыграть в баскетбол, привлекая на свою сторону суперзвезду Майкла Джордана.