Executive Producer
John, a New York City-based undercover operative and his team, are entrusted with a secret mission to bring back their team leader, who has been missing mysteriously.
Creative Producer
Veera, a misguided man who wants a timid, not-so-learned and subservient wife with long hair, unknowingly ends up getting married to Keerthi, an intrepid wrestler who is also more educated than him and has cropped hair. For how long can Keerthi maintain the charade and what happens when Veera comes to know the truth?
Executive Producer
Irfan, an innocent Muslim chemical engineer with an ordinary life, is caught in inexplicable circumstances, when accused of being a most-wanted terrorist, that alter his life & everyone around him.
Это история сына владельца одного индийского зоопарка, мальчика по имени Пи. Он познаёт мир, учится отстаивать свои принципы, ищет собственную дорогу к Богу, живя по канонам трёх конфессий, влюбляется… Но волей судьбы его семья вынуждена эмигрировать. На полпути между Индией и Канадой корабль терпит крушение, и Пи остаётся в шлюпке вместе с бенгальским тигром, гиеной, зеброй и орангутаном. Вокруг безбрежная водная гладь, а впереди — неизвестность…