Amarendran Ramanan

Amarendran Ramanan


Amarendran Ramanan


The investigation over an IT professional's death faces twists and turns as truths about the victim start coming out and he is found to have had multiple marital relationships.
A BPO employee, who is annoyed with constant anonymous calls, gets kidnapped after leaving office. Will her parents be able to find her?
Andhra Mess
Four criminals abscond with the money that they have stolen on a job, and end up in a remote village. Meanwhile, the gangster under whom they work is trying to trace their whereabouts.
A series of murders are happening in the city, and a cop realises that they are all eerily similar. Can he find out the link and capture the murderer before it is too late?
Викрам Ведха
Викрам – честный и неподкупный полицейский, ищет Ведху, контрабандиста и убийцу, которому на протяжении нескольких лет удавалось водить за нос всю полицию города. В конце концов, Ведха сам приходит к Викраму и рассказывает ему историю своих похождений. Полицейский внимательно изучает показания подозреваемого, и приходит к выводу, что Ведха всегда поступал по справедливости, даже когда нарушал закон.
Sangili Bungili Kadhava Thorae
Singapore Singaram
A young man who wants to own a house buys a mansion and moves into it with his extended family not knowing that there is a ghost in the place.
A gangster in Malaysia goes in search of his family after 25 years of imprisonment.
Jil Jung Juk
Three bumbling underlings who are tasked with smuggling cocaine get into problems during their journey.
Vidiyum Munn
Saloon Singaram
Greed, lust and anger collide and threaten to rip apart the lives of two disparate women on the run to seek refuge. Vidiyum Munn explores the darker side of life and the emotional imbalance it can create in the hearts of those who succumb to it.
Жизнь Пи
Indian History Teacher
Это история сына владельца одного индийского зоопарка, мальчика по имени Пи. Он познаёт мир, учится отстаивать свои принципы, ищет собственную дорогу к Богу, живя по канонам трёх конфессий, влюбляется… Но волей судьбы его семья вынуждена эмигрировать. На полпути между Индией и Канадой корабль терпит крушение, и Пи остаётся в шлюпке вместе с бенгальским тигром, гиеной, зеброй и орангутаном. Вокруг безбрежная водная гладь, а впереди — неизвестность…
Bale Pandiya
Pandian is a young man, looking for something positive to occur in his life. After failing in every attempt to find a job and make a life for himself, he gets branded as a complete loser and a jinx.Unsuccessful in getting a job, failed in love and heavily in debt