In this witty father-son story, we are introduced to Varun, a former scammer, and River, a trans drag performer, as they venture on a road trip across South Africa to rescue River's long-lost mother from a rehab clinic in eSwatini. River’s only worry is missing Her Majesty’s Drag Competition and the opportunity to win the prize money to pay for his top surgery. With secrets bubbling to the surface and a competition to win, their relationship will be tested like never before.
George Sykes
The true story of America's iconic 16th president is told by weaving together both scripted dramatizations of important moments in his life and commentary by authoritative historians and public figures.
Bar junkie
Barry is a drug-addled, abusive bastard who - after yet another bender - is abducted by aliens. Barry takes a backseat as an alien visitor assumes control of his body and takes it for a joyride through Cape Town. What follows is an onslaught of drugs, sex, and violence as our alien tourist enters the weird and wonderful world of humankind.
When lonely Andy invites a girl whom he met online to his apartment, he falls head-over-heels for her despite his flatmate Nigel's repeated attempts to point out her seemingly obvious flaw.
Le copilote de Philippe Cousteau
Есть пути, которые не отыщешь на картах. Есть цели, которые укажет только любовь. «Одиссея» — самый масштабный приключенческий проект современного французского кино. История героя, открывшего человечеству «второй космос». Его экспедиции вдохновили миллионы. Его главное путешествие осталось тайной. Первопроходец. Мечтатель. Бунтарь. Легендарный Жак-Ив Кусто: его корабль, его открытия, его настоящая Одиссея.
Jimmy in Pienk is a quirky comedy about Jimmy Bester, a rugged seventh generation "mielie" farmer. Jimmy’s father suddenly dies in a freak accident, he is confronted by two loan sharks who come to collect what his father owes. Jimmy gathers the courage to leave his home and travel to Cape Town to seek help from his uncle, and he is not prepared for what awaits him.