Bob Eberly


Я сделал это
Джо Ренолдс — безобидный, несколько странный молодой человек, большой специалист в своей работе — гладить одежду постояльцев в прачечной фешенебельного отеля. И он безумно и безнадежно влюблен в артистку Кони Шоу, не пропускает ни одного ее выступления, тратя все свои сбережения на билеты. Казалось бы, что у Джо нет никаких шансов, тем более, что у Кони есть жених. Но любовь и стечение обстоятельств помогают ему добиться многого…
The Fleet's In
Dorsey Band Vocalist
Shy sailor Casey Kirby suddenly becomes known as a sea wolf when his picture is taken with a famous actress. Things get complicated when bets are placed on his prowess with the ladies.
Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra
In a nightclub setting, Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra, with two of his vocalists, perform four of the group's best known songs. For the complete list of songs, check the soundtrack listing.
You Leave Me Breathless
A "Screen Songs" short mixing live action with cartoons. The animated section deals with what will be seen on the television sets of the future, i.e., a fountain of youth operating in Turkey, a cow mowing the lawn and feeding at the same time, and other items and then the TV set brings on Jimmy Dorsey and his Orchestra, with Bob Eberle singing "You Leave Me Breathless."