Mirjam de With


Chiel and Linda travel to Sweden with their kids for a vacation. They want to go back to nature for a digital detox, especially for their son Bruno (9) who just wanted to stay at home to play games with his digital friend Taiki. On the way, tensions flare and Bruno is left by the roadside for punishment. When Chiel and Linda return to pick him up, however, the boy has disappeared into the Swedish forest where he finally learns that the real world is much more exciting than the world of computers...
Get Lost!
Instead of making the planned trip to India, the 27 year old Fem becomes a backpacker in her hometown; Amsterdam. Fem does not dare to tell her boyfriend the truth and she gets tangled up in a crazy lie.
Seaside Walking
After a disturbing call from his mother, Johan has no other choice but to leave Norway and return to the hometown he left many years ago. Back in Volendam Johan has to face the past he has been running for.
Between the rural green meadows and pink cakes guests gather for a romantic wedding. Master of ceremonies Ellen tries to make this an unforgettable day, but gets entangled in the monkeyshine of her half sister, the infidelity of her husband, the first love of her daughter, the antics of her mother and the ropes of a hot airballoon. Will they find that only their fear stands in the way of their happiness? Who will throw the ballast overboard and take off?
Mina Moes
Seven year old Mina is crazy about Minnie Mouse. Everyday she wears her mouse-ears to school. Her teacher and mother tell her to stop it and act the same as everyone else. Will Mina manage to keep dressing the way she wants to?
Back and Forth Day
The sun is shining, but it is not a cheerful day. Eight-year-old Linus sees it all happen. Mummy comes home with her nasty new friend to take away her stuff. Papa is sulking in the garden, while the neighbour peeps over the hedge. Even a pizza is no fun anymore. For a very short while, the familiar feeling of yesteryear is accidentally back, and then it is over. Big tragedy, captured in small details.
Shocking Blue
Assistant Director
William, Jack and Chris have been friends for as long as they can remember - until that day in April when Jack ends up under the wheels of a tractor, his body crushed, William at the wheel. Suddenly nothing is left of the boys' friendship. Chris tries his best, but William is one lump of impenetrable rock, secretly wondering if the events of the night before, when Jack went off with fifteen-year old Marianne, had anything to do with the accident...