Alma Taylor

Рождение : 1895-01-03, London, England, UK

Смерть : 1974-01-23


From Wikipedia Alma Taylor (3 January 1895 – 23 January 1974) was a British actress. Taylor was born in London. She made her first screen appearance as a child actor in the 1907 film His Daughter's Voice. She went on to appear in more than 150 film roles, appearing in a number of larger-budget films such as Shadow of Egypt which was shot on location in Egypt in 1924. Taylor was one of the major British stars of the 1910s and early 1920s. In 1915 she was voted the most popular British performer by readers of Pictures and the Picturegoers, comfortably beating Charlie Chaplin into second place. She acted only occasionally after 1932, appearing in films such as Lilacs in the Spring, Blue Murder at St Trinian's and A Night to Remember during the 1950s. She died in London, she was 79.


Blue Murder at St. Trinian's
Prince Bruno's Mother
With their headmistress under lock and key in her majesty's prison, the St Trinian's girls find themselves under the protection of the army. However, when the sixth form take a fancy to winning a trip to Italy through means fair or foul, the army discover this is one battle they can't win. Let loose in Europe, it is not long before St Trinian's have succeeded in endangering European relations.
Человек, который знал слишком много
Embassy Guest (uncredited)
Доктор Бен и Джо МакКенна, простые, ничего не подозревающие туристы, едут провести отпуск в Марокко. Вместе с ними их сын Хэнк, они наслаждаются отпуском, когда встречают мистера и миссис Дрэйтон, супружескую пару из Англии, и подозрительного, но дружелюбного француза Луи Бернара. Позже, когда Бен и Джо ходят по базару, к ним подбегает араб с ножом в спине. Бен буквально подхватывает падающего араба и, к своему ужасу, узнает, что это переодетый Луи Бернар. Француз успевает прошептать что-то Бену, и тот оказывается втянутым в самый центр международного заговора, участники которого ставят своей целью покушение на высокопоставленную особу, остановить ход событий может только Бен. Хичкок сам появляется в фильме в эпизодической роли, как и его композитор, Бернард Херрманн.
Mrs. Bellamy (Uncredited)
U.S. Embassy employee Lee Cochrane and his wife, Sue, receive a shock when they discover that their 18-month-old son, Simon, has disappeared in London. He was last seen with their nanny, and the couple seemingly have no leads that might help police Detective Craig in his investigation. The media sensationalizes the incident, causing an unnecessary distraction as the couple prepares to confront the culprit face-to-face.
Stock Car
Nurse Sprott
Katie attempts to save her father's failing garage, after he is killed during a stock car race. She is assisted by an American driver, Larry Duke, but unfortunately one of the creditors is determined to take the garage.
Lilacs in the Spring
1st Woman
A young actress must decide which of two lovers will be her husband. She daydreams about each one to help her decide.
Everybody Dance
Rosemary Spurgeon
When her sister dies, a nightclub singer is left with her children. In order to raise the children properly, she leaves her singing career and takes her new family to a farm. However, her greedy manager--seeing his "cash cow" slipping away--goes to court to have her declared legally incompetent.
Things Are Looking Up
Scatterbrain circus lady has to cover for her sour schoolmistress sister.
Bachelor's Baby
Aunt Mary
Jimmy finds an abandoned baby while motorcycling in the country.
Mrs. Tring
A murder takes place in a film studio during the shooting of a new film.
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Mrs. Barrymore
One of the last of the silent Sherlock films.
The House of Marney
An Essec sailor helps a girl save an heir from his crooked uncle.
Shadow of Egypt
Lilian Westcott
A European adventurer tries to steal from an ancient Egyptian tomb, only to become afflicted by a mysterious curse...
Comin' Thro the Rye
Helen Adair
A jealous girl breaks up a friend's engagement with a fake wedding announcement.
Mist in the Valley
Margaret Yeoland
An ex-nun weds an amnesia victim and is framed for killing her usurping uncle who posed as her father.
Tansy Firle
'Devon. Farming brothers give home to orphan shepherdess evicted for suspected immorality.' (British Film Catalogue)
Dollars in Surrey
Helen of Four Gates
HELEN OF FOUR GATES was made in Hebden Bridge in 1920 by silent film pioneer Cecil M. Hepworth, based on a popular novel of the same name. Reportedly highly successful when it first opened, the film would later fall into obscurity, with all copies believed to be destroyed. In 2007, a print was discovered in a vault in Canada.
Anna the Adventuress
Anna / Annabel Pelissier
Two identical sisters are able to switch places, leading to a series of unfortunate incidents.
Broken in the Wars
Lady Dorothea
'Lady introduces wounded cobbler to Minister of Pensions, who makes him gift from King's Fund.' (British Film Catalogue)
The Leopard's Spots
The Woman
British propaganda piece warning against buying German goods after the war, summer 1918.
Annie Laurie
Annie Laurie
A Scottish Laird weds a peasant's niece who falls in love with his nephew.....
Annie Laurie
A Scottish Laird weds a peasant's niece who falls in love with his nephew.....
Comin' Thro' the Rye
A girl wins her rival's fiancé with a fake marriage announcement.
The Outrage
A Prussian lieutenant rapes a girl in 1870. He is killed by their son in 1914.
The Basilisk
A mesmerist, obsessed with putting a beautiful woman under his power, hypnotizes her to try to force her to kill her fiancé. His plans are altered with the appearance of a deadly serpent.
An Engagement of Convenience
The Typist
A man fakes an engagement to a typist to please his rich aunt.
David Copperfield
Dora Spenlow
Oliver Twist
An orphan named Oliver Twist meets a pickpocket on the streets of London. From there, he joins a household of boys who are trained to steal for their master.
Тилли в пансионе
Тилли и Салли скучно в пансионе и они пытаются развлекаться как они умеют, но воспитательница строго следит за благопристойностью. Девочки решают отомстить воспитательнице, как следует оторваться, но сделать так, чтоб не попасться…
I Do Like to Be Where the Girls Are
Filmed using Vivaphone sound system. This was invented by Cecil M. Hepworth, and performers mimed to a 10" record.
A Seaside Introduction
The Girl
'Brighton. Dude searches for girl's lost shoes and stockings.' (British Film Catalogue)
Тилли и пожарная повозка
Двум подружкам Тилли и Салли опять неймется, опять хочется приключений. В этот раз они угнали пожарную повозку и решили применить ее в действии… К сожалению, фильм сохранился не полностью, отсутствуют первые части. Так что мы не знаем начало истории, наблюдаем апофеоз приключения.
Tilly's Party
Two young men help two girls escape.
When Tilly's Uncle Flirted
Tomboys play tricks on their uncle when he flirts with a maid.
Are We Down-Hearted?
Cecil Hepworth’s Vivaphone film features Hay Plumb singing George Robins’ optimistic 1906 ditty concerning the mischievous responses of a poor family to regular visits from the bailiffs.
Тилли посещает нуждающуюся
В воспитательных целях Тилли и Салли посылают навестить бедную больную старушку. Помочь ей, поухаживать за ней. Тилли и Салли?! Ухаживать за старушкой?! Бедной миссис Смит повезет, если она в живых останется. Да и всему городку достанется.