Carmen comes from a difficult past: taken away from her mother during adolescence, she grew up in a foster home. Massimo is an only child, raised in a wealthy and oppressive family. Their only daughter, Giada, 5 years old, was entrusted to the father. Carmen has the right to see her every other Saturday, but Carmen doesn't accept it: she doesn't want her child to grow up without a mother, like she did.
Пятнадцатилетняя Бенедетта знакомится с Амандой на ярмарочной площади. Новая подруга бросает вызов гендерным нормам и не только. Очарованные друг другом, девочки быстро сближаются.
Леоне - шестнадцатилетний парень, который все свое время занимается школьным проектом. Он снимает фильм о своей семье, но вскоре сталкивается с серьезной проблемой. Парень вырос вместе с двумя отцами, но недавно он узнал, что они решили развестись. Теперь ему предстоит сделать непростой выбор, с кем из них остаться. Ситуацию усугубляет появление его биологической матери Тилли, которая тоже заявляет свои права на героя...
The daring journey through Europe of two somewhat naive friends, Salvatore and Felice, fleeing a small town in Puglia, who find themselves catapulted to Rotterdam and then to Iceland. For the first time in their lives they will discover what it means to feel alive and happy. Through some mishap and with the help of the generous and extravagant Anke, they will overcome their fears and inhibitions. They will be overwhelmed by life, discovering the joy of existing and of experiencing and receiving affection and love in a strange triangle of relationships typical of a 'modern family', bizarre and reassuring at the same time.
Anthology film following six stories of strangers briefly meeting on the Rome Metro.
A gay man and a lesbian, both having reasons to try going straight, end up as a couple!
Goffredo Mameli
1849 - Ciceruacchio declares the Independent Republic of Rome, but the French and the Austrians try to bring back the Pope to Rome.