István Kovács

István Kovács

Рождение : 1944-05-07, Budapest, Hungary


István Kovács


L’oca del Cairo, ossia Lo sposo deluso
A miserly marquis and a wealthy old count contrive to marry girls in each other’s protection. Everything seems to be going to plan, until a giant goose starts raining money from the sky. After the success of Die Entführung aus dem Serail, Mozart began composing L'oca del Cairo and Lo sposo deluso but gave up on both of them. The two fragmentary comedies were never staged in his lifetime but are brought together in this new pasticcio at Hungarian State Opera conceived by its General Director, Szilveszter Ókovács.
Special Effects
Four kids, Tokyo, Pete, Adam and Esther wake up in their stranded car in an abandoned field only to find that the Sun did not rise. What's more, they discover that a strange, 30 foot diameter, almost invisible, bionic "aura" is covering their surroundings. It reacts to their touch, and soon mysterious things start to happen. Our heroes find seashells in and around their car, the smell and the sound of the ocean fill the air, and long lost memories start to materialize in front of their very eyes. Rainfall from nowhere, unexplainable noises, mysterious messages and clues hidden all around force them to go along on an investigation that reveals much more than they would have ever hoped for: they unearth long forgotten secrets rooted deep in the very beginning of mankind's existence. And these secrets have direct consequences not only on their lives; but also on the survival of our planet as we know it.
Sacra Corona
King Béla
Miklós Akli
Kovács ezredes
The hero of the story that takes place at the beginning of the nineteenth century and recalls real historical personages is Akli Miklós, the court jester of Emperor Ferenc.
Языческая мадонна
Soltész Gábor
Из музея, находящегося в маленьком городке на Балатоне, была похищена уникальная статуя античной богини плодородия Деметры, известная под названием «Языческая мадонна». При этом тяжело ранен служитель музея. Дело о похищении бесценной музейной статуэтки из чистого золота поручили расследовать тогда еще молодому и неопытному следователю Кардошу. Преступники могли бы спать спокойно, но за дело берется и находчивый лейтенант Капелька.
The Planet of the Orchids
A screen adaptation of Herbert W. Franke's science fiction novel "The Orchid's Cage".
The End of Eternity
Based on the novel by Isaac Asimov. The End of Eternity is a science fiction film with mystery and thriller elements on the subjects of time travel and social engineering.
Hi, Junior!
Everyone loves little Junior, but nobody has time for him. So Junior decides to find Time with the help of his friends - dwarves.
Звезды Эгера
Bornemissza Gergely
Действие происходит в период решающих сражений венгров с турками. В 1556 году на север Венгрии двинулась двухсоттысячная армия турок. На их пути непреодолимым заслоном встала двухтысячная венгерская армия во главе с капитаном Добо, засевшая в крепости Эгер. Мужество, героизм воинов и гражданского населения, борющегося против иноземных захватчиков, привели к победе над врагом...
Boys From the Square
The story takes place during World War II and presents the illegal movement from inside. Some tough guys from the square have been angry with Albert Zoli, a boxer since he started living a decent life, passed the final examination at high-school, and entered a job as a bank clerk. About his illegal activity, however, they do not even have the slightest idea. With the help of Zsizsi, a young actress, and Diogenes, an extravagant tramp, he persuades the guys to join the movement. They distribute anti-Nazi handbills and paint pacifist slogans onto the walls of houses.
A Hungarian Nabob 2: Karpathy Zoltan
Kárpáthy Zoltán
On the novel by Mór Jókai. The first half of the XVIII century. Several decades of life of a noble family Karpati.