The story of three candid and mischievous characters who live in the heart of the Bourbonnais: "Le Glaudius", a farmer who still ploughs with his horse and who doesn't give a damn about agricultural productivity and new technologies. "La Germaine", his wife who loves charm acts and the letter carrier, a funny civil servant, always ready to organize "trips".
l'employé des assurances
По роману Жорж Жан Арно «Сожгите всех!». Клэр Руссе едет в небольшой городок Гийоз к своему бывшему мужу. Муж отравился городской питьевой водой, и она спешит, чтобы помочь ему. Но, по прибытии, она становится свидетелем, как город полностью уничтожается поджигателями. Официальные власти заявляют о случайном взрыве бензовоза, и Клэр начинает расследование причин случившегося, вступая в борьбу с могущественными силами...
Crillon Desk Clerk
American housewife Cathy Palmer loses her memory on a trip to Paris after being hit by a car. She wakes up in the hospital believing she's the fictional international spy, Rebecca Ryan.
As soon as they arrive at the barracks, the new contingent reveals some characters who will give their officers a hard time. There is the handsome, resourceful man, the technocrat in love, the bootlicker, the "Jamaican" who only moves to music, the shortsighted man... and all the others. Sometimes to see the nurse undress, sometimes to arrange an appointment with a fiancée, sometimes to cuckold the obtuse non-commissioned officer whose wife is volcanic, sometimes to have a free lunch in a great restaurant, the handsome man invariably deploys a wealth of cunning. And each time it is the colonel's servile driver who gets caught instead of him.
Le peureux
In order to subdue the conscripts of Chamber 13, a new captain is assigned. He is an adventurer, a nostalgic of his warrior past and the resistance is quickly born within the young soldiers.
Two friends, Philippe and Jeannot, are drafted the same day and assigned to the same place. They have no taste for military life and during the conscription visit they try all they can to be declared unfit for service. They fail and land in barrack room 13, where a bunch of other "rebels" is gathered together, under the approximate control of a stupid warrant officer and a depressing captain.They all still have hopes of returning home soon.Besides Philippe and Jeannot, this motley crew consists of a rich allegedly kleptomaniac snob, a phony queen, an orthodox Jew, a yogi, a hippie, a Belgian, a hermetic poet, an Arab, and that's not the half of it...
7 American high school girls visit Paris.
Провалив экзамен по английскому, юные французы Ален и Жан-Пьер отправляются на каникулы вместо планировавшегося Сен-Тропеза в Великобританию. Там они стараются не пропускать ни одной симпатичной девушки в Рэмсгейте в то славное лето 1959 года.