Lazar Wechsler

Рождение : 1896-07-28, Piotrków, Poland, Russian Empire [now Piotrków Trybunalski, Lódzkie, Poland]

Смерть : 1981-08-08


The Doctor Speaks Out
A serious Swiss melodrama/documentary about abortion, marketed as a sexy exploitation movie in the US. The film contains real medical footage.
The Molesters
In exploring sex offenses, particularly against children, this film reveals the inner workings of the Zurich police and INTERPOL as they pursue persons accused of voyeurism, rape, fetishism, sadism, and masochism. After the criminals are arrested and given psychological tests, they may be sentenced to an institution or undergo brain surgery (with their consent) in order to be rehabilitated.
Der 10. Mai
Der 10. Mai (The Tenth of May) was the date in 1940 that Hitler invaded the Low Countries: Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. Neutral Switzerland, which hadn't experienced a war since the 14th century, hurriedly fortified its borders with battalions of inexperienced soldiers. The panic, confusion and isolated acts of courage which occurred on that fateful day are re-created in this Swiss docudrama. The story is "personalized" by concentrating on a fugitive German soldier (Heinz Reincke) who falls in love with the Swiss girl (Linda Geiser) who shelters him. Produced on a bare-minimum budget, Der 10. Mai is impressive more for its sincerity and raw energy than for its actual cinematic merits.
Это случилось при свете дня
В лесу, поблизости от дороги, была найдена убитая девочка. Полиция в растерянности, два похожих убийства, произошедших несколько лет назад, так и остались нераскрытыми. Уличный торговец Жакье сразу попадает под подозрение, несмотря на то, что это именно он указал полиции на местонахождение тела девочки. Но комиссар Маттей уверен в его невиновности. Он поклялся родителям убитой Гритли, что найдет убийцу.
Heidi, a young orphan girl living with her aunt in Frankfurt, is forced to move to the Swiss Alps to live with her ornery grandfather. At first, he resents her presence, but, after a short while, Heidi manages to pierce his gruff exterior, and the two become close. She also befriends a young shepherd named Peter. After three years, Heidi's aunt arrives and demands Heidi's return to Frankfurt.
Swiss Tour
A sailor on leave meets a beautiful girl on the ski slopes of Switzerland.
В послевоенной Германии американский солдат Ральф Стивенсон находит беспризорного девятилетнего чешского мальчика, выжившего в концлагере в Аушвице. В то же время мать мальчика ищет его по всем детским приютам. Из большой чешской семьи в живых остались только мать и 9-летний сын, они ищут друг друга. Мальчик пока не может отличить немцев от американских солдат... Он убегает. Его шапочку находят у реки, предполагают, что бедняжка утонул. Но он живет среди развалин, пока оттуда его не выгоняет голод. Американским солдатам удается поймать его и спасти.
Последний шанс
Спасаясь от нацистов и фашистов в раздираемой войной Италии, американец и британец попадают в многонациональную группу беженцев, которые отправляются на границу со Швейцарией.
Das Gespensterhaus
In Bern above Junkerngasse 54 the caretaker has died - the old Hutzli. On the day on which he was buried, it's started again, this howling in the middle of the night - scary. Since then, no one dares to live there.
Gilberte de Courgenay
Gilberte Montavon was a legend in her own lifetime. As a young woman, she was confidante to hundreds of thousands of Swiss-German speaking soldiers during the First World War, and remembered most of their names. She was still a teenager when the war began, and was immortalised by a song written during the war years by the Swiss-German bard and lute player, Hans Inn der Gand.
Die missbrauchten Liebesbriefe
While on a longer business trip, a wannabe poet urges his beautiful but more simple wife to answer his overly swollen love letters. With no idea how to respond she forwards the letters to a new young school teacher to use his answers instead...
Sergeant Studer
A policeman is not convinced that the prime suspect in a murder case is realty guilty and so decides to reinvestigate the case, despite the lack of co-operation from locals.
So lebt China
Feind im Blut
Feind im Blut
Misery and Fortune of Woman
This film shows contrasting views of women with problematic pregnancies and the outcomes resulting when they seek out a back-alley abortionist, a trained and licensed abortion provider in a clinic, or an obstetrician capable of performing a Caesarian Section. The full film appears to be lost, but shortened versions, including one with dialogue scenes added in Germany in 1935, can be found on the internet. Additionally, Eisenstein's role in making the picture remains unclear: did he direct some or all of it, just edit it, or merely leave it to Alexandrov and Tisse to make? Released in the USA 1930 in a 65 minute (5800 ft.) version with English intertitles and a music track under the title BIRTH.
Misery and Fortune of Woman
This film shows contrasting views of women with problematic pregnancies and the outcomes resulting when they seek out a back-alley abortionist, a trained and licensed abortion provider in a clinic, or an obstetrician capable of performing a Caesarian Section. The full film appears to be lost, but shortened versions, including one with dialogue scenes added in Germany in 1935, can be found on the internet. Additionally, Eisenstein's role in making the picture remains unclear: did he direct some or all of it, just edit it, or merely leave it to Alexandrov and Tisse to make? Released in the USA 1930 in a 65 minute (5800 ft.) version with English intertitles and a music track under the title BIRTH.